Someone just tried to scam me on eBay.

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by C-B-D, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    So I just got a refund request from a buyer who says he never received the coin I sold. I check tracking. It says DELIEVERED JULY 12. I go on eBay and look at completed listings. What do ya know... he tried to sell it with his other account and failed. So he wants the coin for free now.

    He bought it under the username liberty*wild*wild*west* here:

    Then he tried to sell it under the username wild!wild!west! here:

    Marshall, Theodosius, Nyatii and 2 others like this.
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  3. Dougmeister

    Dougmeister Well-Known Member

    I hope he gets in serious trouble... and I'm not just talking about eBay.
  4. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    Mail fraud is a federal crime.
    SmokinJoe, NSP, Oldrdawg and 2 others like this.
  5. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    If we copy the bold from the first listing that should add him to our block list?

    Also really doesn't seem to be the brightest using an MS 60 coin to do that.

    It's also credit card fraud if he tries to do a charge back.
    Oldrdawg and C-B-D like this.
  6. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    Yes, just copy the bold, then paste them both into your blocked list. But for fun, look at his items listed on the second name and click COMPLETED. He has been trying to sell $300 coins for $10,000.
    Oldrdawg and baseball21 like this.
  7. Johndoe2000$

    Johndoe2000$ Well-Known Member

    Wow, just WOW. :(
    C-B-D and Oldrdawg like this.
  8. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    Wow, he just messaged me saying that it was never signed for (even though it didn't have signature confirmation). He's sticking to his guns and claiming he has done no wrong! Unreal!
    Oldrdawg likes this.
  9. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Just let him know you will make sure to include his messages in your report to the Postal Inspectors
  10. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER


    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2017
    NOS, SmokinJoe, SuperDave and 4 others like this.
  11. Yankee42

    Yankee42 Well-Known Member

    I second the folks saying to report him to the postal inspector.
  12. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    I just called eBay. They closed the case and sent the item numbers to their fraud/buyer risk department. The eBay rep said what he is doing is illegal and that his account will get flagged. Doubt this means shut down... you know eBay.
    Stevearino, Seattlite86 and Oldrdawg like this.
  13. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    Here's his first message to me after I busted his lie: "Jump the gun, never receive see postmaster. For signature conformation none! Eat your words! Did you put insurance on this package Thank you!"

    Here's his second, before eBay closed the case and after I pointed out his federal crime: "I had ended the listing as error on ebay! Never receive this coin for real. Not like that at all small time!"
    hotwheelsearl and Oldrdawg like this.
  14. Oldrdawg

    Oldrdawg Active Member

    The only thing worse than a criminal is a stupid one who thinks his intended victim is stupider.
  15. Oldrdawg

    Oldrdawg Active Member

    "Stupider" = more stupid
    C-B-D likes this.
  16. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Ukrainian mafia scam.
    C-B-D likes this.
  17. CoinBreaux

    CoinBreaux Well-Known Member

    People like that are scum. If this doesn't get him kicked off ebay nothing will.
    Stevearino, SmokinJoe and C-B-D like this.
  18. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    wow, amazing. Glad you saw that.
    C-B-D likes this.
  19. Stork

    Stork I deliver Supporter

    And one that can't communicate a simple thought.

    (oops, slow typing. this was a response to Oldrdawg's comment)
    C-B-D likes this.
  20. kazuma78

    kazuma78 Supporter! Supporter

    Classic ebay. Someone did something to me like that once. Bought an item. Didn't pay, listed it themselves and just never paid for it. I believe they were only going to pay for it if they sold it themselves. I was pretty livid.
    chuck123, Seattlite86 and C-B-D like this.
  21. Oldrdawg

    Oldrdawg Active Member

    If you report him to the U.S. Postal Inspectors, you'll be doing yourself, every numismatist in the United States and every human being a favor.
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