some new FEL TEMP's

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Victor_Clark, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    Cataloguing a pile of coins and started with some FEL TEMP's. Happy Times are here again.




    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
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  3. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    I forgot that these are from this lot that I had posted about before.

    Lot 2862. ROMAN EMPIRE: LOT of 91 Constantinian bronzes, mostly AE3's and AE4's, including Maximian (3 pcs), Maximinus II, Licinius I (9), Licinius II, Constantine I (19, including 4 of Londinium, three EF or AU with lovely patina), Constantinian commemoratives (10), Helena, Theodora, Crispus (2), Constantine II (2), Constans (6), Constantius II (19, including two majorinae with lovely brown patina: EF & VF-EF); average VF or better, quite a few examples EF or better with nice patina, most attributed on accompanying holders; plus a group of 17 worn, mostly unattributed small bronzes of little value; retail value $750, lot of 91 pieces.


    47 of these went straight to the junk pile
  4. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    So from the sound of it, it wasn't worth the purchase?
  5. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    No it was not, but those are the breaks when you are a dealer/ collector. This was a mediocre collection that someone enjoyed, but little value. Lots of Littleton trash. I was most interested in the 3 London coins and they were all the same RIC number. I will continue to post some of the better ones.
    Broucheion likes this.
  6. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    the best coin so far

    Const Tic 201.JPG

    Constantius II
    A.D. 326
    Ӕ nummus 18x19mm 3.7g
    FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left.
    PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS; camp gate with two turrets and star between them.
    In ex. P crescent T
    RIC VII Ticinum 201

    This one is decent. A 2 year old Constantine II portrayed as the Prince of Youth or heir apparent-- a pretty tough baby.

    Con II Trier 172.JPG

    Constantine II
    A.D. 317- 318
    Ӕ nummus 19x20mm 4.4g
    FL CL CONSTANTINVS IVN N C; bare headed, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear.
    PRINCIPI• IVVENTVTIS; Prince, laureate, in military dress, cloak spread, holding spear in right and globe in left; F-T across fields.
    In ex. •ATR
    RIC VII Trier 172

    and one of the London coins

    Con I Lon 10.JPG

    Constantine I
    A.D. 314
    Ӕ nummus 20x21mm 3.0g
    IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG; laureate and cuirassed bust right.
    SOLI INVICTO COMITI; Sol rad., stg. l., raising r. hand, globe in l., chlamys across l. shoulder; across fields S-F.
    in ex. PLN
    RIC VII London 10; LMCC 8.02.015
  7. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Those are great. I doubt any of those nice ones were Littleton muck?
  8. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    No, most of the Littleton coins went into my garbage pile. When I said the purchase wasn't worth it, I was speaking as a collector. I always hope to get stuff for me from lots; but nothing in this lot. As a dealer, I will make my money back, some of these are really nice coins. With just the 7 posted so far, I am half-way to breaking even. These LRB's are terrific for my store since that is what I specialize in, so I always look for large groups like this; though I am always disappointed when I don't get to cherry pick. Bad for me is good for my customers.
  9. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    I've bought several coins from your store, over the years.
    Victor_Clark likes this.
  10. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    The best for today.

    Con Cyz 46.JPG

    Constantine I
    Posthumous issue
    15x16mm 1.6g
    A.D. 347- 348
    DIVO CONSTANTINVS PT AVGG; Veiled head right.
    VN-MR [VENERANDAE MEMORIAE] Constantine veiled, standing right.
    In ex. SMKA
    RIC VIII Cyzicus 46
  11. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Very pleasing example.
    Victor_Clark likes this.
  12. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    since I mentioned Littleton junk, I figured I would post this. From an eBay listing I saw today, some Littleton coins from the 80's...these should have been given away for free.

  13. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Yup, or to throw in as a freebie, when someone buys something, off you. I've gotten some rejects, as additions, from ebay purchases. Some, I've even kept.
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