For graded Silver Certificates like the series you guys have here.... how much on average to get a 65 note for the small bills pre-1957 ? What about 67's ? And would a star note add alot more to the cost ?
$1 and probably the 1957B's. But might go down to the 1930's bills if it doesn't jack the price up too much. I really wanted a high-grade bill first and foremost. I think if I wanted a star note AND one from the 1930's then I'm looking at $150-$200 which is out of my price league.
Sal, I'm seeing these price ranges/estimtates.....would you say these are in the ballpark for FMV ? I don't mind paying an extra 10-25% for a nice bill or if I overbid, but I don't want to be paying DOUBLE for something, that's my concern. Here's what I am seeing, more-or-less: 1928's in mid-60's Grade...............$140-$170 (Fr. 1600, 1601 for $1 bill) 1890's in low-to-mid 60's Grade.....$700-$1,000 (Fr. 233 for $1 bill) 1923's in mid-60's Grade...............$225-$275 (Fr. 237 for $1 bill) 1930's in 66-67 Grade...................$200-$300 (Fr. 1613 for $1 bill) As a general you move up from a $1 bill to $5 or $10 or $20 or higher....I know you PAY MORE....but is it something that you can give a guestimate as to the increase is 25% or 100%...or you really have to investigate the series to see if condition scarcity comes into play ? You figure that with bills/currency -- unlike coins -- there's usually many more survivors such that you don't see the HUGE jumps we do with coins.... say as you go from MS-63 to MS-65 with some coin types.
Yeah....but sometimes a bill is super-pricey and it turns out you have a very rare or even semi-rare block. Me personally ? I could care less about blocks....MOST of the time. My priorities are: Grade (if a common bill or type....I like 65 or 67) Type of bill (GC, SC, etc.) Special feature (Hawaii, North Africa, etc.) Low or super-low SN (very important since it's easy to highlight for a future buyer or someone you are showing the bill). Bill denomination Star Note (again, you can visibly see this). Block (because I am more of a Type collector, I really don't care about this and will rarely pay up for it). I was looking at pretty common notes but in very high grade...but when the price jumps from about $50 to $150 you don't know if it's the real market for the grade...the seller is ripping you off....or it's a rare block or other not-easily seen trait.
Sequential Silvers: Not sure where or when I picked these up....usually I buy graded bills and not multiple bills. These could be part of my loose SC's collected when I was a kid decades ago. I think these would grade AU-58'ish or so....maybe low-60's ? Doubt it would pay to submit and be worthwhile, though.
1957 $1 SC Fr. 1621 PCGS-68* PPQ: Got this for Christmas, I was really looking for my normal 65-66 grade but I didn't have any of these Yellow PCGS Banknote holders and I like the look of them. So I splurged. I think the blocks are pretty ordinary, the grade and the Star are what is jumping the price 3-fold from a regular mid-60's SC that I normally look at.
Does anybody have -- or has seen -- a Silver Certificate graded 69 or 70 ? I think the 69's are out there, not sure about 70's.
1935D Wide Silver Certificate: Not sure what "Wide" refers to, I'm sure one of you knows. Part of my PMG-58 kick a few years back. I found many of the 58 bills to have much nicer eye appeal because the folds or creases which were usually the reason for the grade were virtually impossible to see even when in-hand (and tougher from pics, too !). Good centering....decent's the fold or crease that is dropping these circulateds into the 50's bucket.
I had to look up that term. "Funnyback" based on the significantly lighter green ink and unusual font printed on the reverse.