Siliqua of Julian - barbarous?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Pellinore, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. Pellinore

    Pellinore Well-Known Member

    I wonder if you van help me with this. A silver siliqua of the emperor Julian, still beardless, and though the text are reasonably readable, it looks a bit barbarous to me.

    Siliqua SIVC ct.jpg

    This is what I read: DN FL CL IVLIA - NVS PF AVG, on the reverse RESTITV - TOR REIP/ SIVC. Now I wonder what the munt stands for - SIVC? Or is it SLVC? In that case, Lugdunum.
    I believe the Restitutor Reipublicae reverse only started at Jovian (RR) and after his short reign Valens and Valentinian I used it. So it would be a mule from Lugdunum.

    Please comment on this enigmatic little coin! Barbarous? Mule? Lugdunum?
    sand, Gallienus, Johndakerftw and 4 others like this.
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  3. GinoLR

    GinoLR Well-Known Member

    It looks very much like a barbarous imitation.
    sand, nerosmyfavorite68 and Pellinore like this.
  4. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Barbarous or not, nice coin.
  5. rasielsuarez

    rasielsuarez Active Member

    Could be. It's not the style that throws it off for me. That reverse type is completely unknown to me in silver. 99% of his siliquae are Votas.

    Pellinore likes this.
  6. Hrefn

    Hrefn Well-Known Member

    I purchased this coin from ARTEMIDE Aste 3 years ago as a barbarous imitation of Julian. Imitative siliquae of this emperor seem uncommon. Julian had secure political and military control over the Western empire, and later after the death of Constantius II, over the whole empire. Although Lugdunum is the intended mintmark, this coin was probably not struck there.
    This coin combines the bearded portrait of Julian’s VOT X MULT XX SILIQUAE with the reverse of his unbearded VOT V MULT X coins. upload_2024-4-16_2-33-35.jpeg upload_2024-4-16_2-33-35.jpeg
  7. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    Here is genuine example. Yes, I would say that the barbarian die sinker didn't give him enough of a beard.

    Julian II Siliqua All.jpg

    Siliqua of Julian II, Obverse: D N FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG “Our lord Flavius Claudius Julianus, dutiful, patriotic Augustus” VOT X MVLT XX “vows (prayers) to the tenth anniversary (of the emperor’s rule) or the hoped for twentieth anniversary.” Latin words: “Votis Decennalibus Multis Vicecennalibus” Sear 19126
  8. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

  9. Pellinore

    Pellinore Well-Known Member

    The reverse being a type of (slightly) later Jovian and Valens & Co. tells me this coin probably is a slightly later barbarous issue.
  10. Gallienus


    I very much like siliquae of Julian (aka Julian II). Not sure if your coin is barbarous - didn't they usually get the lettering wrong? Maybe a late die that was distintegrating? I think Julian's early issues were beardless.
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