Show us your lustrous coins!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by lkeigwin, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Weston

    Weston Well-Known Member

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  3. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

    Beautiful walker. It is a shame that slab hologram is so tattered. I know collectors say buy the coin and not the slab, but usually a hologram looking like that makes me focus a bit less on the coin.
  4. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    Yeah, I know for many people that alone might rule out the purchase. As you know this is a common problem with that type of Fatty holder. More than 1/2 of my Fattys are like that.

    I'm hoping a future CAC sticker on the front of some of these old holders will distract from the ruined sticker on the back. :D
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