It's pretty obvious to me that these came from an uncut sheet that the seller (or someone else) intentionally miscut to sell as an "error." And... if you scroll down enough the seller admits as much, so technically they're not flat out lying... But this still feels extremely deceptive (I honestly think they're hoping people pay attention to the pictures, and not the description), and intentionally so.
The seller calls it a novelty item. He seems to have a good reputation. This is from the auction. Note is being sold as a novelty item only because this error was not done at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing... This is real money that has been miscut from a sheet of 32... You will receive a note with 2 different serial numbers...
Maybe I'll post about it on a coin forum or something lol... I mean, in his defense, he does call it a "novelty item" and admits it's from an uncut sheet. Maybe this is just harmless fun and I'm making a big deal out of nothing. But I don't know, something just doesn't feel right about it to me. He might not be breaking the letter of the rules, but it still seems against the spirit.
As mentioned, the seller isn’t trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes…as long as you read the full description.
You think that one's bad? Some character put this up.
1. The seller indicates it was cut from a sheet — which the serial number indicates. 2. The seller did not indicate “who” cut the sheet — if that’s important. People may naturally assume it’s a BEP error, but he didn’t say it was.
Here is one someone tried to sell to me. They thought it was something special because they were uneducated so i had to give them a short class on the subject.I paid them a dollar so i can use it so people don’t get scammed .
I don't care about the BEP, since when are you agreeing it's an "error?" "[T]his error was not done at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing." It's like a counter-stamp on a coin, and "this error wasn't done at the Mint." This is a deceptive ad. He got a little too cute for his britches, here. I'm with the OP on this one.