In our last episode I posted an extremely worn Septimius Severus PAX sestertius of indeterminate date, but which might possibly be one of his rare IMP X sestertii. These types represents the last sestertii struck in quantity before the Rome mint took an over decade long break from striking bronzes - presumably to have enough gold and silver to pay off the legions, except for extremely rare sestertii likely struck for presentation on special occasions. The tenth acclimation of Septimius Severus took place in 197-198AD upon Septimius Severus' victory over the Parthians after storming Ctesiphon. Curtis Clay, in an article on the Forum site, identifies 11 separate types with eight different reverses of which seven are identified on page 192 in RIC. Although these were the last major output of sestertii, IMP X are still rare. In addition, for reasons not clearly understood (perhaps all of these came from a small number of discoveries of worn coins?) most examples found today are usually quite worn. I had previously posted the four IMP X types I own and now do so again with the addition of a recent purchase. First is Salus seated left. The reverse inscription which is almost entirely worn away, excluding periods, is SALUTI AVG PMTRP VI COS II PP: I apologize because the tinting of the coins are too brown. The obverse inscription is the same for all IMP X types: L SEPT. SEV. PERT. AVG. IMP X. Next is Victory, the "unlisted" or underlisted type, not found in RIC: I have to look up and will post the complete reverse inscription when this thread is supplemented with the weight and sizes of all of these. Purchased from an acquaintance from Germany some years back. Next is Genius standing, reverse inscription is P.M. TRP. V. COS. II PP: This was purchased on VCOINS, and I believe previously posted by someone else on one of the IMP X threads - I purchased the coin right after that was posted. Note that the IMP X on the obverse is preserved. Next is PROFECTIO AVG, this is the coin just purchased from ebay UK, and an extremely pleasant discovery: Next is among my favorite coins, which has a long pedigree back to being in a British navigator's collection in or about 1830. IMP X types of Septimius Severus are typically found worn, which makes them interesting to collect since you have a shot at finding these at a reasonable price. The reverse inscription is PACI AET PMTRP VI COS II PP: I have no idea what happened to the head on the reverse figure, but it appears to be part of the design. I believe that this type was struck also with a variation on the reverse inscription - I need to check Curtis Clay's FORUM article and article on this site. One wonders into whose hands this coin went on its way to my safe deposit box. And with the trip to the safe deposit box, is an added coin, Didius Julianus sestertius, purchased ca. 2004 at the height of the Eastern influx, which was the one and only reason it was affordable - given the prices for these another acquisition is extremely unlikely. The coin is jet black - again apologies for the brown tinge - in very low relief similar to many early coins of Septimius: Given the low relief I handle this coin with extreme care. If you have an IMP X please list. Also: anyone going to the New York show? Look for me on Friday or more likely Saturday - I'll be the guy in the grey business suit, which I wore to the last NY show, not sure why. My mother, who is 89 and resides independently in NYC, will also be there, as a sign of support for her son's decades long obsession.
Entrance fee for NY show now $25 - ridiculous - to look at coins you can buy on the internet. No wonder coin shows are dying.
Yes indeed - I search for these constantly and in the last few years have managed to find four - the two Salus types on Spanish eBay of which I foolishly sold one, your coin, and just now the Profectio. I just purchased a truly bizarre Septimius sestertius - IMP VIII - Victory with reverse inscription PMTRP…ADVENTVIAVG RIC lists a walking Victory for IMP VII but not for IMP VIII - I don’t know what to make of the coin - there is no indication whatsoever other than that this is what it appears to be - it is clearly not an error coin. I spent a lot of time yesterday searching for a similar type but no luck. I have had similar episodes with coins I think are unique and it always turns out not to be the case or there is another explanation such as the Victory IMP X. But I am hopeful that this may be the rarest of finds - something no one has seen before. Maybe not a new type but a new inscription and a new type for IMP VIII. I’ll post it the minute it comes in. As I said this has happened before and it always turns out to be a false alarm or a known type that RIC doesn’t have - or a barbarian or Thracian imitation as happened once. I searched and searched but could not find it for IMP VIII.
The walking Victory type RIC reports for IMPVII. Is in Cohen - just want to make that clear. So it should not be a surprise that the type was struck for IMP VIII - but not with this inscription.