we go!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by 352sdeer, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    Just started on this sack of copper Lincoln Memorials that I bought off EBAY. Let’s see what pops up. Heavy duty machine doubling @paddyman98 ?
    image.jpg 825D97E8-9DC5-44C7-B5DE-AE29441BE256.jpeg 724ACDF1-189C-49AD-88A1-8FF46CC3B24D.jpeg 50896C2A-43B1-4C6B-9FCB-FB8581BA4868.jpeg
    spirityoda and paddyman98 like this.
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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    That's a nice Misaligned Die Strike ;)
  4. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    And displays the strike doubling he asked about... ;)
    352sdeer and paddyman98 like this.
  5. sakata

    sakata Devil's Advocate

    Now you've got me wondering if I should start looking through the 20,000+ cents I have put away in a bag. Problem is that I don't have a clue what to look for.
  6. Chewmassa

    Chewmassa Now where could my pipe be?

    Wait.... people buy copper memorials? Like, for a premium? I think I know my next business venture.
  7. sakata

    sakata Devil's Advocate

    Look on e-Bay. Haven't looked recently but they used to be common when copper was more valuable.
    352sdeer likes this.
  8. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    Yeah I posted the other day A 5000 coin sack that I got for $.0015 over face delivered. I’m know the seller lost money the shipping was over $17.00. Hand sorted in the Eighties before the error craze so I’m not expecting any 1960’s or the likes but I’m thinking errors galore!
  9. ken454

    ken454 Well-Known Member

    your gonna search 5k coins and you cant identify simple MD?? well, i guess we'll be seeing a lot of cents posted here......
  10. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    These flat round things. The shiniest ones you can find! Lol.
  11. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    @ken454 im pretty sure paddy knew that was tongue in cheek. I know what I got thanks for your help though. That coin was out of the first 30 or so I pulled from the sack. It’s the nicest MD I’ve pulled in awhile. Show me yours you found from raw bulk hunting lately and then you can make comments about my little MD coin. Anyways this is just the start of a year of bank box and bulk hunting so I’m sure I’ll look at a few more than 5k by years end. If you look at my Avatar that’s 7500 or so from Oct to Dec 2017 yah I just finished up a bunch and I bought some more, that’s how it works for me been doing it that way for awhile now. Back in 1968 I could only afford about 4 boxes a year so not so many back then!
  12. ken454

    ken454 Well-Known Member

    ahh, ok got it... sorry, yea i dont save or photo MD coins, they go right into the 5 gallon bucket, as shown below.. open bucket is all Zincolns, bucket with lid has same amount but all 59' - 82' coppers, recently dumped about 10k of each at bank to make some room in buckets..
    edit: hmmm, dont know why the pic doubled....
    Picture 290.jpg Picture 290.jpg
    352sdeer likes this.
  13. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    I’m sure @paddyman98 has a name for that kind of doubling! I wouldn’t normally photo MD errors either but this MD is a superb example with the doubling almost visible to the naked eye. Well not my naked eye maybe!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2018
    Chewmassa likes this.
  14. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    I’m going to post coins I find but I’m going to have fun also so let’s have some fun and not argue! Enjoy my tread.

    God I love living in Seattle! I used to see these guys all the time during the Seventies and Eighties but not so much anymore.


    If anybody is going to be in my neck of the wild let me know and we can go catch some Nukes in my little sail boat. 1945 C.R.O.D. #10 TomTom. Google it!
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