Roman / Byzantine scale weights ?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by bcuda, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. bcuda

    bcuda El Ibérico loco

    I have these two weights and am not sure how to go about attributing them. I think they are either Roman or Byzantine. Can anyone please help me out on this ? Thank you.

    The barrel weight is 29.3 grams and the flat square one is 13.61 grams. I did find a picture of one almost identical to the square one but it did not have any information on it.
    weight.jpg weight1.jpg

    This is the one like mine : and this is the URL link where I found it. (253) Гири Византии. Weights of Byzantium. - Фунтофилия - коллекционирование весов и гирь — LiveJournal 796252_original.jpg
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  3. JohnnyC

    JohnnyC Active Member

    These are Islamic weights of probably 5 and 10 dirhems (dirhem of 2.9 - 3.0 gm depending on date).
    Although the square one seems underweight.
  4. philologus_1

    philologus_1 Supporter! Supporter

    re: the 3 different weights pictured....

    ...I don't know anything about the first one (the round barrel shaped one).

    ...I would be quite surprised if the 2nd one (square; with a clear Christian Cross) was Islamic.

    ...The 3rd one, (square with a large "N"), is almost surely late Roman-Byzantine, with the "N" representing "numisma". Weights #352 & #356 on page 213 of David Hendin's book titled, Ancient Scale Weights and Pre-Coinage Currency of the Near East, ISBN: 978-0-9654029-4-1, are HIGHLY similar, and are cited as "1 numisma" weights, with an average weight of 4.12 gr.
    Victor_Clark likes this.
  5. JohnnyC

    JohnnyC Active Member

    Yes the N types are 1 nomisma - I'm not sure about the cross type.
  6. -monolith-

    -monolith- Supporter! Supporter

    Here is a Mysia, Pergamon - Philetairos in my collection that has been trimmed into a weight.

    LOT 195.jpg
  7. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    nice weight! I like coins that have been turned into coin weights. I recently found a coin weight made from a coin with someone holding a scale on the coin. I think it was over trimmed for a 1 Solidus weight (4.55 g expected). I do not know the units for the V weight. It is 8.5 grams / 5 = 1.70 grams per unit. One Scripula is 1.14 grams. One Siliquae is 0.19 grams.
  8. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    The barrel weight is 29.3 grams.
    I think the barrell weight is a late Roman / Byzantine one uncia (VNCIA) bronze barrell weight. (I consider the Byzantine Empire to be Roman. They called themselves Roman.) It is a bit heavy for one uncia, expected weight = 27.2 grams. I found 155 bronze one uncia barrell weights in a scale weight web site - . Most were under weight.
    The dot is for centering the weight to make the barrell shape on a lathe. Is the other side blank? Plenty of weights have no marks.
    Some of my 1 uncia barrell weights are below. I think the barrell weight is older than the square or circular flat ones. The first one uncia wt is ૪A, the second is VNI and the third is unmarked.
    20240715_171600.jpg 1 VN weight in Leu lot 12.14.2023.jpg 1 VNCIA Leu 12.14.2023.jpg II VNCIA barrell weight in lot from Numisart 5.5.2024.jpg
    bcuda, Pickin and Grinin and Bing like this.
  9. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    flat square one is 13.61 grams
    This weight is 1/2 uncia = 12 (IB) Scripula = 3 Solidus / Nomisma (SOL III or NΓ) = 13.6 grams expected. The art (two or more circles) is common. Often larger denominations of this design have crosses in the top corners and NΓ or IB in the other corners.
    Below are three of my 3 Nomisma weights.
    20221221_181417.jpg 3 Nom ArtAst 9.3.2023.jpg 12 Scripula Damaris Num A2 7.24.22.jpg
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