Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    I haven't done any CRH is awhile so during the holidays I decided to do a box of pennies and a box of nickels. I'll probably have to do two posts to get the photos but here's the lists

    Pennies (ok - Cents) were as follows:
    52S, 68S, 69S, 2)70S, 71S, 74S,
    35D, 41, 2)44, 45, 51D, 2)52D, 55, 2)56, 2)56D, 57D, 1998 wide AM, 14) 2009.
    n11.jpg n12.jpg n12b.jpg n13.jpg n14.jpg n15.jpg n16.jpg n17.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
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  3. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    Jefferson Nickels:
    39, 40, 41, 2)41S, 43S, 2)47, 47S, 49, 52, 2)53D, 2)53S, 54S, 56D, 2)58D, 59D, 2)64D, 3)68S, 2)69S, 7)70S, 1978 Proof.

    n1.jpg n3a.jpg n4.jpg n6a.jpg n7.jpg n10.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
  4. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Wow, that one 70-S cent looks like it's been spending too much time hanging out with Zincolns! (Yeah, I still would've kept it.)
    Millard likes this.
  5. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    yea thats more than just normal wear and tear. Looked like someone took something metal to it. Treated it pretty bad.
  6. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    $15 in loose halves... 2 40% and 1 90% :)
  7. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Wouldn't it be great if you could double your money every time?
  8. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

  9. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Nickel box #20:
    Something, something, law of diminishing returns...

    But let's be positive, first of all found a really nice 1960-D that upgraded what was in the album.

    Found 1939 x2, a 1951-S semi-key date, and 2009-D x2.

    Other pre 1960 finds:
    1941 x3
    1946 x2
    1948 x2
    1954-D x2
    1959-D x2

    Nowhere to go but up for this year!
  10. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    Dime box #2:
    A lot better than the first one (if you don't count filling clad spots in the album at the time I needed almost all of them lol).

    First of all, FIVE silver finds: 1949, 1949-D, 1959-D x2, & 1961-D

    Then 2024-D x6!

    And a 2001 Panama decimo (1/10) Balboa.

    Two boxes is insufficient to establish a pattern but I'm definitely more optimistic on the prospect of adding occasional dime hunting to coin roll hunting activities.
    Lon Chaney, Seattlite86 and -jeffB like this.
  11. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    I'm thinking that back in the dark ages when I started collecting (late 1960s) the 1949 issues were considered a "better date"...
    Troodon likes this.
  12. Troodon

    Troodon Coin Collector

    I think so; 1949 was 30.9 million, 1949-D is about 26 million. 1949-S I think qualifies (13.5 million) as does pretty much anything S minted typically (from 1946-1955). But there's not really any huge rarities in circulation issue Roosevelt dimes; rarest one is actually 1955 (12.4 million). Finding the silver in the box is hard to do these days of course but otherwise it's not a series with anything especially rare in it, if you only count regular circulation issues. It's also not a series that seems a lot are paying much attention to so not massively expensive to fill holes if you choose to buy some of the silver years. I still prefer to find them roll searching, but if I get close (like, less than 10 holes to fill or so) that's when I consider just buying some.

    P.S. "Rarest" Roosevelt dime kind of depends on definition lol...
    Rarest ordinary intended for circulation issue is 1955, 12.4 million.
    Rarest business strike is 1996-W, 1.4 million.
    Rarest ordinary (not an error or rare variety) issue is 1950 proof, about 51 thousand.
    Rarest one I ever heard of is the 1975 no S proof, 2 currently known lol.

    P.P.S. Probably already mentioned this, but my "keepers" for dimes pretty much are: anything silver, 2009, 2024, 1996-W, proofs, errors, anything not a Roosevelt dime. (Will also look for anything that upgrades a spot in the album. Anything that comes close to qualifying as key or semi-key dates are all in the silver years and I'd be saving them anyway lol.)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025
    -jeffB and Seattlite86 like this.
  13. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Yep. It's the only series I completed as a kid. THAT was satisfying.
    Troodon and Seattlite86 like this.
  14. Rambutan52

    Rambutan52 Well-Known Member

    I just finished looking at my seventh and final nickel box purchased in 2024. The top finds were three from the war years and one 2009-D. Additionally, I found thirteen 2024 series (1-P, 12-D). Prior to this box I only had found one (P). I recall reading on this forum the low mintage figures in 2024 prior to November than a big up tick for the last two months. It will be interesting to see moving forward on the availability of these nickels. There were very few finds from the early decades. One from 1939, five from the 1940s, and three from the 1950s.

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  15. Aarron

    Aarron Member

    Good morning everyone .
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025
  16. Aarron

    Aarron Member

    Found these Canadian Nickels yesterday after searching 10 rolls from the bank . I find it odd to find all 7 in the same roll... the 1948 has a lower mintage with i think a little over 1.8 million minted , Keep or let loose back into the wild ?

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    Seattlite86 and Troodon like this.
  17. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    I have a personal rule that I don’t put foreign coins back into circulation, because I know better and I consider finding Canadian or others my loss. Just my two cents.
    Aarron likes this.
  18. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    These are all the 1956 and earlier coins I’ve found over the last year and a half. I might get one more go for coin roll hunting before I move. Not sure what I’ll be doing with all these.
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  19. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

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    Hennings exam for sure. Of course cuds, clips, delaminating, clashes
    I’d keep most with a quick grade of EF for 5c
    Some of my CRH
    Seattlite86 and Troodon like this.
  20. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    I keep all 1981 and earlier Canadian nickels as they are 99.9% pure nickel. Worth more than face, cheap way to stack nickel "bullion", and they could be melted unlike our cents and nickels.
    dano and Seattlite86 like this.
  21. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Nice finds! I haven’t found too many errors doing this, but could be that I go faster than my ability to find them. I’ve got a handful more to check for Henning and have pulled aside the nicest ones I’ve seen. The rest will likely go to the bank before I move.
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