Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    to me, this looks like dd0 and ddr this is not damaged it looks like what happens to your fingers when they get wet! has anyone seen this before? when i frist saw it, It looked like it had been frosted like in proofs and then using 10x loop WOW WOW
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
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  3. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Damaged from probably acid. Definitely NOT an error.
    tibor likes this.
  4. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    and acid not going to damage the copper? looking with 60x loop it looks like a greased die. acid would show more damage and the core of the penny I would think. I know the pic's do not give good detail as a 10x+ loops do
    look at back closer look ddr showing.jpg
    is this not doubling?
  5. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    I think it maybe closer to WTHH.......(what the .... happened) . But what do I know, if I can’t see it without magnification I’m not really interested, but to each his own.
    tibor likes this.
  6. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    ok i just took another look it looks like a 3x strike Thu Oct 04 10-04-23.jpg rpmx3.jpg
  7. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    no, u can see this look at this hole lincoln memorial the left side is off linchon memorial.jpg linchon memorial draw.jpg
  8. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    sorry for the fuzzy pic's I have a cheap usb scope and sorry for the flake of skin on the one arch
  9. Raizac

    Raizac Well-Known Member

    here is what I think of what the STATES OF AM and how it is doubled e puribus unum0.jpg e puribus unum.jpg
    the two left arrows is where the E PLURIBUS UNUM is and I think is so much doubling you just can't read it, see for your self I am new to this and this is what I see lots of doubling am I wrong? I could be in a newbie I do know that the E PLURIBUS UNUM area is prone to grease. this looks like a mint error to me
  10. SlipperySocks

    SlipperySocks Well-Known Member

  11. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

  12. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    Back in the saddle Baby!!! Box of halves:

    31 WL’s
    1 64
    2 40%ers

  13. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    Holy cow, you are back with a BANG, congrats!!!
    spirityoda and Bman33 like this.
  14. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Look at what I found in an unmarked white wrapped 'Fed' roll 94S Reverse.jpg 94S Obverse.jpg

    Cameo or reverse cameo?
  15. APX78

    APX78 Well-Known Member

    Amazing Find!
    Bman33 likes this.
  16. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you’re back @Bman33! Congratulations on a fantastic find. Other boxes associated with this collection dump?
    Bman33 likes this.
  17. Vince11229

    Vince11229 Well-Known Member

    Just beautiful. Great find.
    Bman33 likes this.
  18. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    Well @Bman33 is a tough act to follow. But, I did have a bit better luck with my latest Loomis half dollar box:
    5 x 40%
    2 x 1974-D DDO
    2 x NIFC
  19. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    The other box I got from the same bank had nothing. I did 5 total boxes today and the big one was the only one with silver.
  20. sodbuster

    sodbuster Junior Member

    Bman33 likes this.
  21. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    what an awesome sight to see those enders. thanks for sharing it.
    Bman33 likes this.
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