Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Whelp I did both boxes of nickels as the rest of the week we will be having lots of contractors around the house installing new windows, siding, and gutters....The only decent thing that came out of 2 boxes was the cruddy buff. 1918P. Here's hoping next week is better.
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  3. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    Picked up another $160 in dimes and $50 in CWR halves, only keeper was a '57 Rosie.
  4. theshoegazer

    theshoegazer Well-Known Member

    $5 BWR pennies: kind of a weak lot - only 1 wheat, in the last roll... 1942. Did find 3 2009's (including one "D" mint - rare on the east coast)

    $20 BWR nickels: 1941-S, 1954
    Bambam8778 likes this.
  5. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    2 boxes of halves today yielded 2 40%ers.

    That's 6 boxes with just 3 40%ers to show. Kind of lame but I have two more boxes this week coming in.
    bhh likes this.
  6. Arby

    Arby Well-Known Member

    Hello CT, Just finished my first four boxes of halves for the week, I pulled 1 very nice 67 and one heck of a GEM 72D, Beautiful Fields and awesome Cartwheels, No signs of being polished its almost mirror like. It wan't a great score, better than nothing.
  7. Arby

    Arby Well-Known Member

    Midtncoin, I know what you mean, I attempted a couple of time with dimes and same thing New UNC 2017's Who want that.
  8. Arby

    Arby Well-Known Member

    I hit my first long streak of 47 boxes with out silver. I will see more of those long streaks in my future. Things have slowed down expediently.
  9. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I found a gnarly cruddy penny size coin
    the only thing I can read on it are one over cent on the left side of the reverse. It's bathing in acetone.
  10. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Mystery solved. It's a 2009 Lincoln reading on a log.
  11. midtncoin

    midtncoin Well-Known Member

    It happened again! Went to a different bank in a different town and still wound up with a whole box of 2017D's. I guess Loomis got in a shipment of new material and they've been delivering them to all the banks in the area. May have to wait a few weeks to see if this stuff can get purged from the system.
  12. Imnotsure

    Imnotsure Member

    I went to the Bank and picked up 100 in nickels and 50 in Halves and walked away with 5, 40ers
    calishield and berto like this.
  13. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    I picked up $100 MWR of halves tonight from 1 bank. Oddly, they're loomis rolls which are rare in my town.

    I'm not certain when I'll have time to search them because we have a puppy in our house. I'd forgotten how much time they demand!
    calishield likes this.
  14. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    8 CWR of Halves. Nothing. Someone's dump.
  15. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    1 box of nickels yesterday, a 64 clip, a 55 P XF, and a 43 P as highlights. IMG_0510.JPG IMG_0519.JPG IMG_0511.JPG IMG_0515.JPG

    Attached Files:

    Mad Stax and AllCoExpat like this.
  16. Arby

    Arby Well-Known Member

    Four boxes from last night, yielded 1-66, possible SMS, 1-68, and 1-69. Need to take a closer look at the 66 to see if its a SMS Highly reflective fields, there is toning on both sides so I have to take a closer look at it. Good Luck everyone. One more set of 4 this week. Hoping for a big score.
  17. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I usually post on Wednesday my finds for the week. I had ordered 18 boxes this week and only 12 came in. One branch forgot to order, ugh! The 12 Loomis boxes I did receive resulted is some great finds.

    The first picture I need your help with, what would do, sell or keep? And if sell as a group or individually? And how much? Th first picture all came for the same box 25 really nice Franklins, the 59 and 58s are the nicest, edges are bright, I don't do grading well. They don't look like they have been cleaned. If I sell as BU, are they? And if so it seem the price is around $275 on average.

    The next picture is the others I found
    96-40% JFKS
    15-90% JFKS
    Total from both pictures
    15- 90% JFKS
    96-40% JFKS

    Total silver ounces: 30.56 Ounces

    Christobal, tmeyer, berto and 7 others like this.
  18. NLL

    NLL Well-Known Member

    Keep them. That is what I would do.
  19. vintagemintage

    vintagemintage Well-Known Member

    That's a great find there! Looks like somebody's saved rolls of Franklin's have escaped!

    Most look BU to me but hard to be sure from the pics, nice luster.

    Keep or sell, check for Full Bell Lines! I'm not sure how you valued them but unless they're high grade Full Bell Lines you might move the decimal to the left.

    Very cool find! congrats!
  20. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    You could start a nice Franklin Album with the AU/BU coins.
    Great finds!
  21. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    I'll flip them and snap a pic
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