Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    Finished my 12 Loomis boxes of halfs last night! No skunks. I ran into another silver dump vein, still pulling boxes from Loomis from adifferent processing center, identified by the box numbers. One box had over 40, lots of Enders.

    179- 40% JFks including a 1976S (silver)
    7- 90% JFKs
    1- Franklin
    1-78S Proof
    1-81S Proof

    To date since January I stand at 271 ounces. I sold the January to May finds to fund our National AAU trip. The second picture is all finds since June 1, which will help fund this season's Volleyball Fees.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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  3. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    All your this effort was for volleyball? (lol)

    Ps: Wow, it is 1848 pages here.
  4. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    Yes, and well worth it.
    To play on a competitive National Women's Volleyball team is expensive, fees, travel, private coaching, equipment, etc. She was invited to play this season for a Nike National team, coached by all Division 1 coaches.

    So finding silver halfs and selling them helps finance those costs. Plus I love collecting so I also find some great coins. My favorite is this one:
    I found it in a Loomis roll a few weeks ago.
  5. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member


    What are you getting for selling 90% and 40%?
  6. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    Averaging about $7.20 per 90%s, and around $2.50 per 40%s. I usually sell my 90%s to a friend so he pays spot plus , appreciates the cause, so considers it his helping a future collegiate athlete. 40%s I'm lucky if I can get spot for them. Any suggestions?
  7. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    Send her to Turkey. Women volleyball is popular here, nr one in World women volleyball at professional club level. I've heard that top voleyball stars of the World including some American women national volleyball players are playing at volley clubs here and they are making millions. Anyway, she probably knows these. So, if she becomes successful in volley, her destionation in the future may be at a volley club here. Well, I have a suggestion. Hint from this experienced seller of the past. Don't mention volleyball here to the potential buyers, Most of the buyers of your coins over there in the US don't like financing your volleyballer. However, if she were a future basketball player, it could be another story.
  8. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    No offense Erol to you or Turkey, but as a Christian Athlete, seriously doubt living in the Middle East would be an environment I would be comfortable as a Father in her living in. But thanks for the comment all the same.:happy:
    bhh likes this.
  9. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    Update: I just ran my last four boxes through the Credit Union machine, missed seven 40s
    AllCoExpat, furryfrog02, bhh and 2 others like this.
  10. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Gonna look at three Loomis nickel rolls after looking at two more websites.
  11. Arby

    Arby Well-Known Member

    I just pulled one today, my second since searching.
  12. Arby

    Arby Well-Known Member

    Today I searched 4 boxes with two skunks, I pulled 1-64D, 1-1982 George Washington Comm, my second since searching. 2-65, 2-66, 1-67, 2-68, and 1-69. I also pulled a 1971D minted on quarter stock weighs 8.8 grams. This half was not minted on a quarter planchet its minted on stock meant for quarters but cut into half dollar planchets and minted. I also pulled 1 clad proof.

    Attached Files:

    berto likes this.
  13. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Nickels were a bust. Pennies gave no great finds.
    After work I'm going to the bank.
    May get 20 more penny rolls for them nickels.
    Give me a total of 60.
  14. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    Woooow, y'all really make me wish I'd been searching through boxes of halves back in the late 90's when I had all the time in the world and plenty of funds to throw at coins :woot:
  15. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    Picked up another $60 in dimes and $40 in nickels from the CU, got one 1963 Rosie.
    berto likes this.
  16. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Turned in my nickels ($10) to put a little more gas in my truck.
    Got 20 more Loomis penny rolls to look through.
    Just checked and the 1910 and 1911 pennies I found are needs.
  17. TexAg

    TexAg Well-Known Member

    @Truble - You are stacking some serious silver this year, way to go! Also, I really like the '37 Walker, very nice coin especially finding it in a roll!
  18. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Busy day...16 MWR rolls of dimes = nothing...I have horrible luck with dimes I've probably gone through at least $500 worth and NEVER found a silver. ( I have found 5 in coinstars and gotten 1 in change over the last couple of years) 13 (5 CWR and 8 MWR) rolls of nickels...56 and 09D were the only keepers. $27.50 in halves yielded a 68 and 69. Not the best day but I'll take it.
  19. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Mr. Truble sir, your finds are amazing...
  20. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    I also picked this up at the bank....because why not?

  21. midtncoin

    midtncoin Well-Known Member

    Finished another $25 box of cents, loomis wrapped. Ended up with 2 QE Canadians and a dozen wheaties: '38, 40, 41, 42, 44D, 45D, 46, 46D, 47D, 48D, 55D, and 56. I think this is the first time I've had a box have fewer 50-59's than prior decades.
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