Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Had an apparently good interview.
    Start tomorrow 5am.
    Went to our bank after that and got Loomis nickels and 5 pennies. Gonna start on nickels here directly.
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  3. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    About $50 in halves... nothing.
  4. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    $100 in CWR halves plus $7.50 in loose halves yielded:

    1 NIFC

    I'm ready to find something good!
  5. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Roll searching is put off for now. In a bit I'll be leaving for work!
  6. Dynoking

    Dynoking Well-Known Member

    I like the '72. Nice find!
  7. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Found a 51D filler. In nickels.
    Job is nice!
    AJefferson likes this.
  8. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Congratulations. 5AM is early for a grocery isn't it?
  9. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    Dumped a box of halves today. My teller had to take them in the back room and dump them. The teller next to her had a silver half in here tray. Couldn't get it because she was busy and it was my dump bank!
  10. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    2nd box of nickels for the week was garbage. No keepers.

    BUT I had a nice little surprise at the coinstar this evening when I went to get some stuff for dinner :)
  11. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    5am to get the floors cleaned and buffed. And change the sales on the marquee (up and down ladder at least 15 times) but that only occurs on Wednesday. And coin related.
    5 rolls of pennies gave 40 copper. If I get off about the same time tomorrow I'm taking 10 nickel and 10 penny rolls to trade in. And in just a few minutes I'll be asleep.
  12. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    $5.5 in loose halves from 2 banks tonight yielded nada.

    I'm trying!
  13. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    Bmann, when I asked for halves at one of my banks tonight, my teller was savvy regarding silver. She told me she had a silver dime stashed in her drawer at another branch she works at. On the bright side, she was super cute :)
    calishield, Bman33 and furryfrog02 like this.
  14. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    About $150 in halves... nothing
    Picked up 7 ikes.
  15. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I plumb forgot. I got a 43D Steely out of a penny roll.
    Fixing to have coffee. And go to work.
    groundhog53946 likes this.
  16. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    My finds for this week came from another 16 Loomis boxes, below average numbers per box. I usually average about four, under three per box this week. Totaled over 7 ounces but had to "dig through a lot of dirt" to find these.
    39-40% JFKs
    1-1940 Walker
    1-1963 Franklin
    3-1964 JFKs
  17. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I did get by our bank after leaving work. Turned in $10 in nickels for gas money. Getting ready to look at the 5 rolls i did get.
  18. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    Truble, my average find rate per box is 1 silver.

    Even with your MUCH better 3 silver per box find rate you likely average less than minimum wage ($7.5/hour) for your effort.

    I just wanted to point out to those browsing this website this is a hobby, and no one earns enough coin roll hunting to replace their "day job"!
  19. Truble

    Truble Well-Known Member

    For whatever reason, still trying to understand why my area seems to have more silver than others across the country, but I am definitely making more than minimum wage. With pick up, sorting and dumping (which includes the drive time) I spend around 4-5 hours per week. Realize I am only edge surfing, and only pull proof edges when I see them. I am not looking for errors etc. I can sort a 4 boxes in just less than an hour. Since January of this year, my time in has only been around 132 hours(I took 3-4 weeks off early in the year), no gas costs because my branch pick up and credit union dump location are across the street from each other and both are on the way to work and nearby for lunch hour pick up/drop off, no pick up order fees and no dump fees at my credit union.

    Since January I am 251 ounces, at todays spot price of $17.60 is $4417.60. Divided by my hours, is $33.46/hour. Not everyone is going to have this rate granted and my day of reckoning may soon come to an end. This would never replace my day job, but it has paid for a couple of Disney vacations and two years of my daughters Club Volleyball seasons and private training.
  20. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    Picked up $100 in dimes, $40 in nickels and $20 in cents. I went through all of the dimes and found a 1964-D, which was an ender. Nothing so far in the nickels, and I appear to have gotten most of a box of 2017-P cents. Any interesting varieties to look for in those cents?
  21. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    Box of halves: a 1999D that said "jerk" on it. It was an ender too. So it was a skunk but I have another to do tonight.
    furryfrog02 likes this.
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