Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. ace71499

    ace71499 Young Numismatic

    Did another box equivalent of nickels (the bank claimed they don't "do" boxes, first I've heard of that). Fun as usual.
    59 D (x2), 58, 58 D (x2), 57 D (x3), 56 (x2), 54 (x2), 54 D (x2), 53 D (x3), 49, 48, 41, 40, 39, 38 and a 1937 buffalo nickel. I was happy to see that.
    3 Canadians as well.
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  3. moneycostingmemoney

    moneycostingmemoney Yukon Coriolis

    Check the legs on that Buffalo
  4. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    It is obvious that 1930P fell through a crack.
    I've done 5 more Loomis rolls in a row after a BUSY and sweaty day and there was nothing older than 1973 in any of them.
  5. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    3 banks tonight yielded 1 clad half.

    In my disappointed state I ordered $200 (bank max) to arrive next week :rolleyes:
  6. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    Box of halves: Nothing. That's four boxes this week and with the CWR I have nothing to complain about. Happy hunting everyone!
  7. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Yeah with CWR I can't help but think all I'm getting is whatever another collector doesn't need. But then MWR ain't setting records either.
  8. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    Its been a crazy week so I haven't gotten to hunt. Wife had strep throat so I had two kids to take care of and I'm getting ready for a business trip up north to Chicago. I thought about hitting some banks up there while I was in town. Obviously, I'm not a member of any banks with an office in Chicago. Is anyone familiar with that area and perhaps have an idea of which might be the most lenient in terms of being able to get some coins without an account. I'm not talking boxes here...just a few rolls.
  9. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    Hi, first post. I did a little bit of CRH with cents back in the '80s, but nothing else until recently. I've gone through $1550 in dimes so far (three Loomis boxes, the rest a mix of CWR and MWR), and found 7 silver Rosies and a silver Canadian dime, in addition to the occasional cents and foreign coins.

    Reading about all the half dollar searching made me want to get into that, but nobody had more than a few on hand until yesterday. I had to get some sunglasses fixed, so afterwards I ran by a bank I hadn't been to before. I had $300 in cash and asked if they had any halves. The lady said they had $300 in CWRs, quite a coincidence, and got my hopes up saying that an older guy had brought them in and said they were his collection. Results: all clad, tons of bicentennials and NIFCs, but nothing unusual except for a gold-plated 1980-D that was stamped with "1960 - 1980". I don't think I'm going to hang on to any of them, even the plated one - I'm not a fan of defaced coins. So, those are going to the CU's coin machine and I'll try to get some more elsewhere.
  10. ace71499

    ace71499 Young Numismatic

    No such luck... that would've been amazing.
    moneycostingmemoney likes this.
  11. JonJ

    JonJ Member

    I finished out the halves bag in the coin counting machine at the CU, they had to come change it out so I could finish dumping. I asked if I could buy the entire $1000 bag and the answer was a resounding "No". Oh well, that would've been $700-ish of halves I hadn't looked through yet. The tellers didn't have any halves so I went back to the bank I got the $300-worth from and got the last $58.50 they had in halves, which were pretty much like the first batch - bunch of NIFCs, but nothing particularly interesting.
    berto likes this.
  12. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

  13. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    Not Intended For Circulation
  14. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I went to the second bank in town and got all CWR rolls.
    4 dime 5 nickel. And at our bank 10 Loomis penny rolls.
    Left them a 'needs' list for a future visit (Dead President dollars). Traded a problem John Adams for a James Buchanan.
    Didn't notice dinged rim until I got it home.
    One dime and one nickel roll looked at so far.
    Didn't need to replace any takes. There weren't any.
  15. Bambam8778

    Bambam8778 Well-Known Member

    Searched $40 in nickels. Keepers (for me) below. I also found a 1962 D that caught my eye. I’ll keep that out of the coin tube and put that in a 2x2. DAF47DB0-B88C-46D3-BC54-BF1E86B10797.jpeg 896FBB11-EC73-4CA7-A7AF-77039785F8BC.jpeg
  16. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    I did another dime and nickel.
    Found a needed 71P dime.
    Found a MARGMARGINALLY less worn but clean 48D nickel.
    bhh likes this.
  17. berto

    berto Well-Known Member

    2 banks tonight had $120 in CWR halves and one $10 MWR...yield = 1 NIFC.:dead:

    I'll never give up!:)
  18. Goodwin83

    Goodwin83 Active Member

    LONG TIME since my last post. Searched a box of nickels.
    2009 D(x2), 59 D(x2), 58 D(x3), 57, 57 D, 56 D(x2), 55 D, 53,
    53 S, 51, 48, 41 (x3), 40 (x3), 40 D, 39 , 39 S
  19. davidharmier60firefox

    davidharmier60firefox Well-Known Member

    Pretty soon I'll look at some nickels.
  20. Mad Stax

    Mad Stax Well-Known Member

    Hope she feels better. I feel her pain, I actually I'm just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Decided to tough it out as opposed to going the antibiotics route. Took a week to feel better.
    In my neck of the woods cases of strep have been extremely high lately for whatever reason.
    bhh likes this.
  21. Christobal

    Christobal Well-Known Member

    39-S is a good find.
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