Roll-searchers, post your results!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by chicken_little, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. clorox

    clorox Member

    $15.50 loose and $30 CWR halves: Nothing
    $250 CWR dimes: One 2007 Canadian, a very nice 1983 D, and one silver Roosie
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  3. jlaramie

    jlaramie New Member

  4. sjlund

    sjlund Member

    $1,100 in coin counter dimes, only 3 roosies. Not what I was hoping for, but better than a skunk!
  5. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    I went to a bank today to see what I could buy. I asked the teller if he had rolled coins that he wanted to get rid of and he pulls out a box of $180 in half dollars. I could see that they were all re-wraps (except for one, which was a CWR) and I know this teller looks for silver himself but I bought them, anyway. I looked in the single CWR first and I could see a 1966 ender. This roll turned up a 1969D half as well. This is the first time I have ever found a silver half from a roll so to find two at once is quite remarkable to me. The other rolls contained 3 NIFCs (2003P, 2008P and 2008D) but they are nicked so they will be spent. I also found a Mint BU 1982D, which I will be keeping. There were several halves marked SM. I find the practice of marking coins in sharpie to be deplorable but there's not much I can do about it.

  6. jlaramie

    jlaramie New Member

    I am almost sure I have seen halves marked SM from boxes
  7. coinsrus1000

    coinsrus1000 Active Member

    Box of halves produced two silver a 67,36 and a proof

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  8. coinsrus1000

    coinsrus1000 Active Member

    the tellers I think only know 1964 and older and forties can show copper on ends I don't give any info if they ask I say 1964 and older, good finds and sm is defacing government coins lets set up a posse and hunt him down
  9. coinsrus1000

    coinsrus1000 Active Member

    heres my fab skunk

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  10. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    I went to drop off the $180 in halves along with $20 in pennies at the one bank in the region that has a coin counter. The machine stopped working after it reached $154. I went to get a teller and as it turns out several bags were full. I talked to her about the half dollars and she said some 12 year olds buy the bags (using their dad's money as capital to buy them), take out the silver halves to sell to the local coin store and then bring the remaining halves back to dump off. She said I could buy bags of coins as well but seeing as how I already have a lot of rolls to go through and that I'll be going back to my university after next week, I had to decline.
  11. Darchangel

    Darchangel Active Member

    $45 CWR dimes - skunk
    box of dimes - '47, '51
  12. Goodwin83

    Goodwin83 Active Member

    Box of String and son dimes....SKUNK!
  13. FadeToBlack

    FadeToBlack New Member

    29 boxes of halves since I last updated y'all... 4 90%, 27 40%. Meh. I really, really need to get this whole deal straightened out, these are horrible averages for this close to Christmas. I'm considering selling all my silver, which would raise about $12k at current market values (Stupid recent dip) so I can justify a once a week 3hr round-trip drive to dump coin out of my circulation area.
  14. abuckmaster147

    abuckmaster147 Well-Known Member

    Well Another $1,000.00 worth of worthless Brinks haves, SKUNKED!!! WTH Thats $2,000.00 skunked this week. For some reason these are all old Coins to Like 71 -96 a few 2000's
  15. simpsonfan2

    simpsonfan2 New Member

    Today's results:

    $5 Pennies: 100 copper, 1951D, 1956D.

    $20 Nickles: 1943S War, 1946S, 1956D, 2 X 1958D.

    $15 Dimes: Skunk.

    $270 Quarters: Skunk.

    I hear the Mint is testing other metals. Too bad they aren't putting them out.
  16. mhenryfishing

    mhenryfishing Member

    First time! First Silver!

    yesterday was my first time ever coin roll hunting. i picked up 4 rolls of halves at my local bb&t branch. the teller told me if i was looking for silver i was wasting my time. hearing that your first time ever kinda hurts your confidence. she said she just keeps them there for tooth fairy money for kids. i decided to take them anyway and my first roll resulted in a 1966 kennedy 40%. its not much, but it was cool for my first experience. i cant wait to get back to the bank and take the rest of the rolls they have. 20121222_182817.jpg
  17. rockyyaknow

    rockyyaknow Well-Known Member

    The supermarket would only give me $10 in BRW Nickels, however did pull a 1927 Buffalo.
  18. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    3 cwr of halves... nothing
    6 cwr of dimes... one hong kong 10 cent
    6 bwr of dimes... nothing
  19. gunnovice09

    gunnovice09 Nothing

    God really blessed me tonight! Did a box of nickels it had 6 buffs a 35 27 20 21 and two 23. Also a 1911 liberty and 43S x 2!! Best part was my wife did some rolls with me.
    1913LibertyHeadNickel likes this.
  20. clorox

    clorox Member

    $11 loose halves: Nothing
  21. jlaramie

    jlaramie New Member

    Killer... I would love that. Nice finds! And nice box to get the wife interested.
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