Robinson, San Diego, and Monroe Doctrine Half Dollars

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Sallent, Oct 1, 2024 at 8:53 PM.

  1. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    Here's a few more classic commemorative half dollars:

    Monroe Doctrine.jpg
    Monroe Doctrine Half

    Can't say Monroe Doctrine Half Dollar is particularly pretty. The coin is flatly struck, and not as detailed as other classic commemorative coins of the era. Most of them don't also tend to tone very pretty either. However, the map on the back being formed by two mythical figures, along with the design of the waves is rather interesting.

    San Diego Half

    The San Diego half dollar it's a different story all together. The design on both sides is pretty, and iconic, and there is far more relief than the previous coin. These are amongst some of the prettiest commemorative half dollars ever in my opinion.

    Robinson Half

    Robinson what's the second commemorative issued for the Arkansas Centennial. The first one didn't sell well, and I don't think this one was particularly very successful either. The portrait is of Joseph T Robinson, the Senate Majority Leader at the time, and one of the senators for Arkansas.
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  3. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    You're wrong about the feeling is that it ushers in the art deco era of that time......two bodies (continents) languishing together, hardly touching. In a higher grade you might notice that more.
    Tall Paul likes this.
  4. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    @green18 Here, let's give it a better's an in hand photo trying to get better lighting.


    Hope this does it better justice
  5. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    The photog is adequate, but the detail isn't there due to the fact that it's a circulated example. I've many in such condition in my collection. I'm still in need of an uncirculated one, but I'm in no hurry. My love of the design precludes my need.....
  6. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper



    I don't think I can do better with my cell phone
    It is what it is.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2024 at 9:45 PM
  7. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Subjective.......I think they were generous with their assessment.
  8. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    Fair enough...but it still counts for my unc PCGS type set, and I'm ok with it for the price I paid.
  9. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    I quite understand and I, in no way, meant any disrespect or diminished reasoning. You've assembled a fine set of commem's as I've followed your collecting endeavor from the beginning. I only caution you on one thing. Buy the best grade you can afford, and if that means waiting a bit for the right one to come around, then do so. Take it from an old sod that has had 'buyers remorse', on more than one occasion, because he was too hasty pulling the trigger on something that he settled upon because it was available at the time.
  10. CoinCorgi

    CoinCorgi Tell your dog I said hi!

    This will likely offend you, but that is the ugliest MS62 coin I've ever seen. Not the coin design but the condition. Glad it has found a good home...enjoy it!!!

    edit: I agree with your initial comments in post #1...looks very poorly/flatly struck.
  11. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

  12. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    If you want flat, shallow relief, try this one.

    I think it would be eligible for a double gold bean.


    IMG_0877.JPG IMG_0878.JPG IMG_0879.JPG IMG_0880.JPG IMG_5324.JPG IMG_5325.JPG IMG_5323.JPG
    Eric the Red and green18 like this.
  13. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    I too am a fan of the San Diego design, and that's a nice one.
  14. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    My wife give this Monroe to me for Christmas many years ago. It is graded MS-64. At the time the price for an MS-65 was through the roof. Since then, the prices have come down quite a bit.

    The Monroe coin was not well made. The relief was not high enough to bring up the design. This one is about as good as it gets.

    This commemorative was made for the motion picture industry. They had to scratch to find an event to commemorate for 1923. They finally came up with the Monroe Doctrine.

    These coins were sold for $1 each. After the celebration was over, the sponsors dumped them into circulation. The result was the piece is fairly coin common in AU. Before third party grading came along, a lot of AUs were sold as Uncs. to unsuspecting collectors.

    Monroe All.jpg
    green18 likes this.
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