Reverse proof Roosevelt dime most significant coin of century.

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by bkozak33, May 4, 2015.

  1. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    Hey...more power to him if he can find fools to believe him...:rolleyes:
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  3. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    I paid $365 for these 5 sets, and I'm about to go under water ... :bigtears:
  4. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Not really, I'm hanging on to mine for the long run, my kids will profit from these.
  5. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    No sales pitch, they ask for them.
  6. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    The numbers don't lie, unless you make them up.
  7. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    BS, they're close to $100/set. So, you bought 5 because they're losers?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
  8. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Hey, I'm going about this all wrong. You all keep talking them down an I'll keep buying them.
  9. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    BS what? I did paid $365 for 5 sets.
  10. Twobit

    Twobit Active Member

    I can almost appreciate the modern collectors reasoning way of thinking and is nothing more than profit minded thinking.
    It's just not for me and I'll take history thank you very much.
    But hey collect what you like we live in a free country.

    But lets not forget that the facts are that the founding fathers wanted to separate themselves from the tyrant Kings & Queens & uppity folks and their taxes "I'm better than you" type's" from a country that mandated their I'm better than you mentality, and FDR (no real world experience or out of touch from reality) and he
    was certainly one of them types.

    Sure he created social security how's that program doing now? (none of his doing really)

    but unlike his cousin Teddy (he was the royalty of the common man) meaning nothing was above him and created the preserving of the National parks that lots admire and visit to this day.

    And this once great nation that this country was founded upon by the misfits & rebels that wanted nothing to do with the Kings,Queens & elitists and created a new country for the less than privilaged folks that wanted nothing more than to get away from the poverty that the King's & Queens & elitist's created.

    But in 50 or 100 years from now if these coin/s ( coin of the century) are to be more sought after than this country's beginning's first coinage of this once great nation from the founding fathers type of coin then I will surly be glad I'm not here to see it and causes me a great sadness and pain to think what they fought for has become in vain.

    I'll take for $100 something from the early 1800's thank you and hope that my grandchildren carry on the the tradition of the founding fathers and hope they research what I have left behind for them (the birth of a new country they never knew existed).
    My only hope is to keep the past from becoming a distant memory and a heritage of what we once were and how we came to be, And FDR should not be at the top of the list and associated with the birth of a new country.

    Give me liberty or give me death
    green18 likes this.
  11. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    mikenoodle likes this.
  12. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Guess it depends on your perspective. Many would say FDR did more for the common man than any other president. He created the middleclass, lifting the majority out of poverty, at a cost to the elite. The majority of the nation called him Papa and he was elected three times. Today, the majority is headed back into poverty, as many presidents/administrations since FDR have done all they could to take away from the middleclass and give to the elite. That's why Social Security and the middleclass are in trouble today, you don't cut taxes in half on the elite and not pay a price.

    So, granted the Roosy dime design is not as artistic as the Merc, but the popularity of the man, along with other factors, makes the series highly collectable.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    sgt23 likes this.
  13. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    SQG, b/c I believe in you!..You said the RP dime will go to the moon, but now looks like it is heading to the bottom of the ocean...:bigtears:
  14. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Time will tell.

  15. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Say something intelligent and I'll respond with more than this.
  16. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    If I was intelligent I wouldn't buy these modern coin garbages.
  17. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    You know, dear fellow, you can be quite infuriating at times...........
  18. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    So are the members whom kept on implying that these are rare coins..:rolleyes:
  19. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Refer to post 113.........
  20. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Some people just don't learn from history. Regardless of what you call these coins, 20 years of history shows they will be very profitable.
  21. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Actually, I don't really care about profit. Being the collector, I only feel the need for retaining some value. The way I see things, I could have spent the money on cigarettes, candy and wild women. Instead, I opted for these......moderns.....they're always going to be worth something. Pittance perhaps, but worth more than a fling or a fob.
    mikenoodle likes this.
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