Restoring Buffalos

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by bkozak33, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. lincolncent

    lincolncent Future Storm Chaser Guy

    Interesting. Have you tried rinsing them to see if the stuff comes off? I remember dropping some in for a week and never saw those kind of effects. May be something in the planchets. Or more likely the vinegar combined with a chemical in the material of the cup caused some kind of reaction. Odd to say the least.
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  3. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    You are the master of unusual hors d'oeuvres.
  4. lincolncent

    lincolncent Future Storm Chaser Guy

    Just saw that you added salt and that would in fact do it.
    I'm far from a chemistry major but I'm pretty sure dissolved sodium chloride will work wonders on nickel.
  5. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Gaahh! I'm guessing the chloride ions would make it attack the coins a LOT more quickly than plain vinegar.

    I might experiment with this with some unlovable Jefferson nickels. Not sure I can bring myself to do it, though...
  6. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

  7. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    You can do this much quicker. The acid in any old car battery works well.
  8. buddy16cat

    buddy16cat Well-Known Member

    The only time I put a coin in vinegar was a silver roosie I found in a roll to get this gunk off that wouldn't come off. You usually use nic-a-date to restore dates on buffs. I have some tougher and semi-key date restored buffs. Those are the only coins worth anything that are restored.
  9. 16d

    16d Member

    Wash w/warm water & dish soap 1st (important). I change-out mt vin. when it gets papermoney-color. Looks like yours evaporated & got the mineral deposists on the surface.
  10. Raymond Beracha

    Raymond Beracha Active Member

    Ok enough. What the heck is that?? It looks like flies on some kind of trap in the first picture.
  11. doug444

    doug444 STAMPS and POSTCARDS too!

    If that's a ceramic container, "maybe" the weak acid leached a metallic component out of the glaze, and at saturation point, it began to precipitate out on the Buffalo nickels due to some chemical affinity.

    Disclosure - I flunked Chem Lab in 1963.
  12. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    I just put a drop of nic-a-date on my dateless buffs, and bingo... there's the date. No muss, no fuss.;)[​IMG]
  13. doug444

    doug444 STAMPS and POSTCARDS too!

    On Valentine's Day, I put a drop of Nic-a-Date on my dateless second cousin, and he hooked up with a chick in two days.

    #303 Nerd.jpg
  14. Wow, sorry to see the mess your left with that just sucks. I would like to see what they look like after you have rinsed them off.

    Could someone explain how nic-a-date or any other home remedies actually work? How does it make the date re appear? Would it be concidered "dipping" or altering the coin?
  15. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    When the nickel planchet is struck, the date (& devices) are forced into the recesses of the die under great pressure. This effectively "hardens" those areas. When "nic-a-date" or other mild acid is introduced to the surface of the coin, it etches away the "softer" portion of the coin, revealing the hardened date. It is definitely altering the coin, but on dateless buffs it makes little or no difference. It's fun to see what dates were on those "dateless" coins. BTW, glad to see you back on CT, Mark.
  16. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

  17. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    is that a 1917 s?
  18. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    Nope... just a plain old '17, acid date restored. :)
  19. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    oh, that's to bad. :(

  20. Ahhh now I understand, thanks for the explanation Jim. I'm VERY happy to be back Thank You!
  21. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    should have added some plain potato chips
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