Real or counterfeit?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Silver Digger, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Silver Digger

    Silver Digger New Member

    I do a lot of metal detecting...had permission to hunt an old church in New Jersey that dates back to 1600's. While I was detecting the land owner's 10 year old son came up and showed me this coin he said he found on the site.

    It's the size of a silver dollar and weighs 15.4 grams and looks like Pewter

    I've show it to couple of coin guys who say it's a counterfeit...but thought I would run by you guys to see if it is worth the $100 bucks I paid for it.

    Thanks for you help! 1640 coin-1.jpg 1640 coin.jpg
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  3. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    IMO, you should get your 100 bucks back!
  4. Silver Digger

    Silver Digger New Member

    Thanks for responding... but too late...the kid spent it already!
    derkerlegand likes this.
  5. BostonCoins

    BostonCoins Well-Known Member

    There appears to be a LOT of bubbles on that coin, which typically represent the casting of copied coins. I'm afraid my gut instinct is that it's a copy of some kind. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can give you better news!
    ACoinJob likes this.
  6. Silver Digger

    Silver Digger New Member

    Thanks Boston...worse case it cost me $100 bucks for permission to hunt a great site!
  7. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

  8. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

    You're not the only one. This poor buyer paid 153 for same junk here.
  9. Silver Digger

    Silver Digger New Member

    Thanks W...wish I had seen that before I bought!
  10. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

    Here's a real one for about same price...sorry for your loss.
  11. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    That doesn't matter. Hold him to a refund. If you don't, you're teaching him the value of being a con artist at age 10. Bring it up with the land owner if necessary. If it costs you $100 to continue hunting, the kid that sold you the fake should not be the beneficiary.
    micbraun likes this.
  12. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

    How is he going to prove the kid gave him the fake one? Owner will think you are trying to scam him. How could have that modern fake been dug up in a 1600's site? Just let it go. You might tell the owner that it was fake when making conversation...but not ask for refund unless he suggests it.
  13. Silver Digger

    Silver Digger New Member

    I will tell them that it's a fake and if he offers to refund my money I'll take it...if not then like I said...I paid a $100 bucks to hunt a great site and let it go.

    Thank all of you for your input...It is appreciated!
    C-B-D and wcoins like this.
  14. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    How could have that modern fake been dug up in a 1600's site? There's many churches from the 1600's still standing and being used today. It could have been dropped there at any time in it's history.
  15. Silver Digger

    Silver Digger New Member

    That's why I took a chance, my research showed the church was built in the 1600's. The problem was I didn't dig the coin...the land owners son told me he found it after the field was plowed.

    His story fit with the site so I bought it...hook line and
  16. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

    Its history? That fake was made in the 21st century.
  17. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    It's great that you have permission to detect this property. Take full advantage of this as any with larger properties were usually gathering places for towns folk for any number of reasons. Map the field out in small sections and be patient. Look for unusual depressions, stone walls where things might be hidden amongst the rocks, a southern dump area (again, depressions where items have settled). But I'm sure you already know most of this. And don't use discrimination mode just for coins as old iron objects of value may also be buried. Best of luck to you.
  18. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    I never said it was real, only that it could have been dropped at any time, including the day before it was found. Sheeesh.
  19. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    And if the owner thinks it's kosher for his kid to rip folks, what does this really say about him and/or the entire situation? People need to stop being so afraid to call out BS, and that's exactly what this is.

    The OP really should ask himself how a ten year old kid managed to get this "coin" and just happen to offer it to him. Perhaps there's nothing to it, but the stench of a setup is wafting through the air...
    micbraun and tommyc03 like this.
  20. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Drop it on the 1600's site, come back a week later and dig it up.
    tommyc03 likes this.
  21. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    Exactly. Actually I was trying to quote wcoins in the first line and messed up. My woops.
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