Questions regarding these two NGC certified Dollars.

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by LA_Geezer, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. 1865King

    1865King Well-Known Member

    Graffiti, is as others stated a catch all term. Sometimes slabs will say scratch.
    My own definition is Graffiti is when someone actually scratched something into the surface. It could mean anything from nice engraving which sometimes add interest in the coin such as a child's birth date to what looks like someone took a nail and carved their name onto a coin. However, I have seen the word Graffiti used when the coin received some form on mechanical scratch. Like from a counting machine or other equipment. That really should be classified as a scratch or bag mark not Graffiti. I think on this Peace dollar Graffiti may be referring to the scratches near her nose area. Those look more like scratches and should have been indicated on the slab not Graffiti. However, I did notice what has been discussed over the word TRUST but, without good pictures all were doing is guessing. There may be nothing wrong with the coin at all just a few bag marks. NGC & PCGS have both made a lot of labeling errors. Do not confuse Graffiti with Counter Stamp that's something completely different.
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  3. mike estes

    mike estes Well-Known Member

    i found this page and NGC's explanation of GRAFFITI. after reading the NGC page cpm9ball was correct in his observation.
    graffiti explanation.JPG
    good eye cpm9ball

    Attached Files:

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  4. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    4 months or so later, it still looks like a number 4 scratched into the field in front of her nose to me. I can't see it any other way, or anything else that looks like a character in fact it's all I see. it looks like it was made the same way I would make a number 4. A small L hook and a straight vertical line to finish it. blurry , I know but looks something close to this to me. Anywhoo, good day to everyone, be blessed. 20210204_095533_resized.jpg
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