Put it off long enough, . . .

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by russell1256, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. russell1256

    russell1256 Well-Known Member

    I have put it off long enough, time to get cracking, have albums to fill . . . 20211009_081830.jpg
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  3. UncleScroge

    UncleScroge Well-Known Member

    Looks like you'll be off to a good start.
  4. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

  5. GoldBug999

    GoldBug999 Well-Known Member

    Kindly show us your tools for cracking, and the results.
  6. chascat

    chascat Well-Known Member

    I use a bench vise...great results too! Just move the edges around and use just enough pressure to crack it open and carefully separate the halves so as to not contact the coin...ware goggles!
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
  7. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Have fun cracking them open. Here’s a hint for you...It’s not like cracking an egg out of its shell. Lol
    Mr.Q likes this.
  8. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    The grades are low but their graded. I would leave them alone, but of course the decision is yours, good luck.
    john-charles, tibor and spirityoda like this.
  9. Charles Riley

    Charles Riley Welsh-language medal collector and numismatist

    Personally I really hate 'slabbing' and how it affects the market (although it has been accepted in the USA for much longer than it is here in the UK, where generally it is uncommon). Collectors (and dealers/ auctioneers) should have faith in their own judgement. I fully agree with "furry frog"'s chainsaw woman.
    UncleScroge likes this.
  10. russell1256

    russell1256 Well-Known Member

    I want to put them in my albums
  11. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Best to leave as is and buy some low grades to plug those holes.
    Mr.Q and Southernman189 like this.
  12. russell1256

    russell1256 Well-Known Member

    These are low grades
    Mr.Q and AdamL like this.
  13. Southernman189

    Southernman189 Well-Known Member

    IF I was going to buy coins and have a CHOICE of slabbed or UN-slabbed around the same price, DUH I'd go for the slabbed. Think hard about the "bird in hand" you have now.
    love old coins, john-charles and Mr.Q like this.
  14. AdamL

    AdamL Well-Known Member

    Nice assortment of coins there. Working on a type set?
  15. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Yes and that’s exactly why you should leave them in the slabs. Just buy new low grades for the album, raw of course.
    Southernman189 likes this.
  16. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    When time comes to sell, Will the buyers of the two "Details" coins
    realize they are "Details" coins? Even at those grades there is a price
    difference. Both of those coins are "keys" in their series. Just sayin'.
  17. whopper64

    whopper64 Well-Known Member

    Since they are mostly all low grades, I would assume you purchased these with the idea that they were genuine and authentic coins. Feel free to crack them open and place them in your albums. If they were high grade (AU &/or uncirculated) I would hesitate to crack them open since (by being slabbed) they would command a much higher value/price tag.
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