Post your under $50.00 purchase...

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by jtlee321, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Gallienus

    Gallienus Supporter

    I got this at the bank in late Dec 2024. I always keep an eye out for them. Not exactly a 1795 ms Flowing Hair (which I considered buying once), but this came at an excellent price - face value. Can't beat that.

    Barney McRae, bradgator2 and -jeffB like this.
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  3. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    9075AC7D7BED428C8F87CC8D6609599E02B9F86E.jpg 3F16E6A8D8D506B7ECB296D71B220BE351C268C1.jpg

    1892 Snow # 4 RPD / DDR woodie acquired for $13.
  4. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    1916 S buffalo nickel $20 check out FIVE CENTS 244573-01.jpeg.jpg 244573_2_-01.jpeg.jpg ddr and rpm
    Anthony Mazza likes this.
  5. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

  6. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    1913 type ll buffalo nickel ddo/ddr $15. Also an bisected die crack 245362_2_~2-01-01.jpeg 245362~2-01.jpeg
  7. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    I've got two nice coins less than $30 each, ROOSEVELT DIMES, TYPE 2, CLAD

    I dont have them in-hand yet, but I think they have nice matching toning, and oddly even sequential cert numbers.

    1984 P 10C DIME - ROOSEVELT, TYPE 2, CLAD PCGS MS67 50787231 GC GreatPhoto.jpg

    1985 D 10C DIME - ROOSEVELT, TYPE 2, CLAD PCGS MS67 50787232 GC GreatPhoto.jpg

    1984 P 10C DIME - ROOSEVELT, TYPE 2, CLAD PCGS MS67 50787231 Obv Slab.jpg
    1985 D 10C DIME - ROOSEVELT, TYPE 2, CLAD PCGS MS67 50787232 Obv Slab.jpg
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