Post your under $50.00 purchase...

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by jtlee321, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Sadly, nothing on the wing. EFBB16FF-B255-4889-B91D-163AB19F8A06.jpeg
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  3. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

  4. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Here is the correct crack map 20230304_191303.jpg
    Someone tried to change the vam so dumb as both are top 50
    Jaybot likes this.
  5. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    So I guess after the divorce I'll have lots of coins...maybe not.... so I picked these two 1875 Indian head cents tonight. Each under $50 any quess's why? :) s-l300.png s-l300-3.png s-l1600-5.png s-l1600-4.png s-l1600-4-01.jpeg s-l1600-5-01.jpeg s-l300-01.jpeg s-l300-3-01.jpeg
  6. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    Looks to me like one has been cleaned at one point, and the other has environmental damage. Just my humble opinion
  7. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Yes both are returnable if need be. Both match the pups
    Jaybot likes this.
  8. Sunflower_Coins

    Sunflower_Coins Importer and Exporter

    Snow-3? The numeral 1 seems to tilt forward more than the regular strike. They have a bit of corrosion but I think they're honestly worn cents, I don't mind the look.

    I don't know too much about IHC varieties, the only one I've found was an 1884 RPD.
    Paddy54 likes this.
  9. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    No snow 16 N dot cent.
    Sunflower_Coins and Jaybot like this.
  10. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    Got this for only $1 at a local coin show.
    Also, I'm happy with this pic I took, since I shot it with my Iphone
    s-29d.jpg s-l1600 (5).jpg
  11. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Jaybot likes this.
  12. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    Paddy, it feels like we are the only ones keeping this thread alive... does anyone else have any new goodies under $50?
  13. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Yes I missed 1 major pup that would of proven these to be the dot cent . They are being times its hard to see or read the photos posted...and Ive noticed a lot of photos are enhanced color or otherwise. This is why I buy from dealers who takes returns.
    Some days you win some you dont.... but you got to try if not youll never know ;)
  14. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Its mid week however its Spring and local shows should be opening on the weekends.
    Hopefully come Monday...more to see.
  15. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    20230308_174349.jpg 20230308_174414.jpg

    Without any color enhancements
    Jaybot likes this.
  16. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Yep, our first show's coming up Saturday. Not sure if I'll be buying anything, but I'll post here if I get something worthwhile.
  17. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Whitman opens this month in Baltimore, I may go...I perfer small local shows where I have a relationship with the dealer. The large shows can be fun but over whelming at times.
    And I like supporting the local dealers. One issue is parking for the show its $20 and that's is in my mind set $10 to much...I am at an equal distance between Baltimore and Annapolis...about 10 miles thats nothing...but I find due to the cost for a table the dealers are pretty firm on price points.
    So that said between parking and not getting my usual discount Im at a minus $45/50 before I start.
    I am fortunate enough to have quite a few shows around me.
    Gettysburg Pa. Is a nice 75 minuite drive...pulls in local as well dealers from central states.
    We did have 3 local dealers who put on shows 1 had medical issues and stopped.
    One dealer sets up at a flea market on Sundays...he does quite well and I like the ability to look over his inventory without the crowd. ...and prices are better too.
    As his over head on a table rental is much less than a show.
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  18. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    Paddy54 likes this.
  19. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    I've been on a self imposed spending hiatus . . . . . . actually been trying to sell off quite a bit. Perhaps I could seed this thread a bit?

    Paddy54 and Jaybot like this.
  20. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Please do you have some amazing stuff... we like stuff :)
    ZoidMeister likes this.
  21. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    Guess I'll post a recent eBay purchase...
    Won the auction as an only bidder for 14.5 + 2.77 shipping.
    s-l1600.jpg s-l1600 (7).jpg

    and my photos:
    s-l500.png s-l500 (1).png
    Coin has much more red on reverse than photo shows, and the obverse has cartwheel mint luster.
    RonSanderson, Paddy54, dwhiz and 4 others like this.
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