Post your under $50.00 purchase...

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by jtlee321, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Nice pick up. Shot you a PM a while ago. Shoot me a note when you have a chance!
    Sunflower_Coins likes this.
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  3. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Top 50 vams s-l1600.jpg s-l1600-2.jpg Vam 5 A
  4. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    <$75.00 for the pair. s-l1600-4.jpg s-l1600-7.jpg s-l1600-8.jpg s-l300-5.jpg s-l1600-9.jpg
  5. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    I did my first PCGS submission last month. Turnaround was quicker than I expected. Anyway, here's one that probably wasn't worth getting slabbed, but I really like war nickels.
    Cost+grading was under $50.
  6. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    <$29. Shipped 20230213_210550.jpg 20230213_210435.jpg

    Retail in VG 8 is $100
    Seattlite86, MIGuy and Anthony Mazza like this.
  7. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Is this a variety? Numismedia FMV shows it at $35. Were you maybe looking at the row for 1901-S, or the column for F12? Or am I the one who's lost?

    Gotta love an honest full-rim Barber half in any case, and 1901-O is a somewhat better date. I wish I could get back to working on that series. (I've got the complete set, but a fair number of them are problem coins, some with spectacular problems.)
  8. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Nope retail $100.
  9. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Auction is about 30 NGC. PCGS has it valued at 100 but these prices aren't ever realized.
    CPG has it at $46.
    Sunflower_Coins likes this.
  10. Omegaraptor

    Omegaraptor Gobrecht/Longacre Enthusiast

  11. Hoky77

    Hoky77 Well-Known Member

    $17.00 + $1.00 shipping Sellers pics, I hope it is what it seems to be.

    1920.jpg 1920s.jpg
  12. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Hoky77 likes this.
  13. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    This is the one Ron listed however that doesnt mean others were done on that date. Over the years I have seen some crazy stuff on buffalos. The dies got a lot of use and touching up. 20230219_120621.jpg
    Hoky77 likes this.
  14. Hoky77

    Hoky77 Well-Known Member

    This is what I hope the coin is. It was listed as a 1920 s, the sellers pics aren't great but it does look like a D to me. Won't know for sure until after it arrives here. Probably 2 weeks ship time from the EU
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  15. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    There is a 20 S 2f specimen yours looks to be a D
    from your image compared to the photo of a listed 20 s 2f not a match.
    Hoky77 likes this.
  16. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    We'll see the MM is in the right position and the top of the S is notably weak even in MS condition.
    Anthony Mazza and Hoky77 like this.
  17. Omegaraptor

    Omegaraptor Gobrecht/Longacre Enthusiast

    Pickin and Grinin, Paddy54 and Hoky77 like this.
  18. MIGuy

    MIGuy Well-Known Member

    Colonial Era Spanish Charles IV, 8 Maravedis, 1803, NGC Fine Details. It has environmental damage but still a neat piece in my view and I like the NGC ship label. $47
    8Ma.jpg 8mb.jpg
  19. Hoky77

    Hoky77 Well-Known Member

    I know 2F but VLDS went right over my head
    MIGuy likes this.
  20. Omegaraptor

    Omegaraptor Gobrecht/Longacre Enthusiast

    VLDS = Very Late Die State
    MIGuy and Hoky77 like this.
  21. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Very late die state
    MIGuy and Hoky77 like this.
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