Post your oldest U.S. coin!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by pumpkinpie, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    Dude, those are awesome. if you dont mind my asking, how much does something like that set a guy back?
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  3. cciesielski01

    cciesielski01 Laced Up

    1808/7 cbh O.101 just got this on tuesday :)

  4. rlspears10

    rlspears10 Member

    My oldest for now. Nothing special.

  5. StephenS

    StephenS Member

    Beautiful type 1!!!!!!!!
  6. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    [​IMG]Got this one on Heritage for a great price .
  7. buddy16cat

    buddy16cat Well-Known Member

    My oldest now. Maybe I can find an older one next coin show. One seller seemed to have older coins.
  8. ryanbrooks

    ryanbrooks Active Member

    The oldest US coin I own would be my 1783 Nova Constallatio Cent


    Mainebill likes this.
  9. centsdimes

    centsdimes Active Member

    Here's mine.

    Attached Files:

  10. mackwork

    mackwork Caretaker of old coins & currency

    Not my oldest, but newer purchases


  11. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  12. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  13. centsdimes

    centsdimes Active Member

    This is my oldest silver coin. My brother found it in my mother's house, when she died, and sent it to me.

    Attached Files:

  14. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

  15. centsdimes

    centsdimes Active Member

    This is a beautiful coin.
  16. 93stang

    93stang Member

    my 1795 lettered edge 1c. I don't know how to post pictures sorry
  17. brg5658

    brg5658 Supporter! Supporter

    My oldest coin minted by the US:


    My oldest coin which could have circulated as legal-tender in the US:

    rayman311 likes this.
  18. LionelR

    LionelR Supporter! Supporter

    Thanks for showing these spectactular pieces and for illustrating the history of minted by the US and circulated in the US.
    I had to look it up and learned something on a Monday!
  19. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    My oldest US coin is a 1787 Connecticut copper. Miller 32.1-X.3; Whitman W-3215, URS-9 (65-124 known to exist)

  20. AnkurJ

    AnkurJ New Member

  21. brg5658

    brg5658 Supporter! Supporter

    That is a great old copper Ankur!
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