Post your Lincolns!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by New Gen. Nick, Oct 4, 2011.


Do you like the new pennies?


  2. ew no.

  1. Peter Economakis

    Peter Economakis Well-Known Member

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  3. 05Wildcats

    05Wildcats Well-Known Member

    Found this 14D this week. One of the better ones that I have found. 1914D.jpg 1914D r.jpg
  4. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  5. SSG_Gonzo

    SSG_Gonzo Well-Known Member

    This 1914-Ds always go above my budget
    robec likes this.
  6. 05Wildcats

    05Wildcats Well-Known Member

    I found this one in a bag that were 3 cents apiece. Makes it an even bigger find.
  7. Peter Economakis

    Peter Economakis Well-Known Member

  8. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    Just playing around with my editor app and discovered a way to rotate and move my photos in small and measured increments. So going back through my photos and re cropping some Lincolns. Polish_20201015_204822473.jpg Polish_20201015_205546738.jpg
  9. SSG_Gonzo

    SSG_Gonzo Well-Known Member

    Have you ever tried photoscape? It’s a free download on computer and does amazing circular cropping and you can adjust for rotations.
  10. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Here's my 1921S Ungraded. Photograde !!
    1921S CentObv.jpg 1921ScentRev.jpg
  11. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

  12. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

  13. robec

    robec Junior Member

    Not sure if I've posted this before.

  14. SSG_Gonzo

    SSG_Gonzo Well-Known Member

    Oh good gawd I want
    Penny Luster, DarkRage666 and robec like this.
  15. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    When you think you have found a red gem for your album collection, but then you look a little closer.


    Now that's a shame!
  16. RonSanderson

    RonSanderson Supporter! Supporter

    I was luckier. I just replaced this one
    01c 1948-S #01 full 05.jpg

    with this one
    01c 1948-S #02 full 01.gif

    Except, I cheated a bit, because I bought an MS65 and cracked it out. That made it pretty much a sure thing.
  17. expat

    expat Remember you are unique, just like everyone else Supporter

    I was given this by a client last week
    DSC01007.jpg DSC01008.jpg
  18. DarkRage666

    DarkRage666 Ͳìɾҽժղҽʂʂ Ͳąҟҽղ ටѵҽɾ

    RonSanderson likes this.
  19. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    Sometimes I wonder on these older brown cents if the color difference on areas such as the face is really wear or just discoloration? XF or AU? Polish_20201020_204216719.jpg
  20. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Can you say Clipped Planchet ! 19401Cclip REV - Copy.jpg
    Penny Luster likes this.
  21. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    Ever hear of a 23 S weak obverse? This is absolutely the coin as it looks in hand. The reverse is strong but you can barely see the mint mark on the obverse. The date is partially strong as well.
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