Post your latest ancient!

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by The Meat man, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Gupta Gold Dinar of Chandragupta II (minted sometime between 375 and 415):


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  3. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  4. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Kushan Bronze Tetradrachm of Vima Takto (minted sometime between 80 and 90):

  5. BenSi

    BenSi Well-Known Member

    It is a common coin but the patina just made me have to have it. Beautiful natural green. Of course I over paid but I have no regrets.
    I hope the picture does it justice.
    Alexius I Comnenus Tetarteron SBCV-1929 2.37gm and 20.73mm
  6. michas48

    michas48 Active Member

    I am very fond of commemorative series coins but can't find any reference to my latest VRBS ROMA (or in this case.. Roma Vrbs) purchase.. It is a heads right antioch variant. The style seems to be ok for Antioch and it is too fine for a contemporary fake in my view.. Anyone seen this one listed or referenced somewhere?

    Vrbs head right.jpg
  7. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Dacian Gold Stater of Koson (minted sometime between 44 and 42 BCE):

  8. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Nice. I was offered a slabbed MS example of one of those recently, but did not end up buying it.
  9. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Roman Empire Silver Denarius of Julia Mamaea (minted in Rome sometime between 222 and 235):

    Roman Empire Silver Denarius of Julia Mamaea (minted in Rome sometime between 222 and 235).jpg
  10. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Roman Empire Silver Denarius of Maximinus Thrax (minted in Rome in either 235 or 236):

  11. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

  12. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    The price, while not crazy-high, was not a bargain, either. It was essentially full retail. I suppose it was just not in the range of what I wanted to pay.
  13. Rockymountaincoin

    Rockymountaincoin Active Member

  14. Tall Paul

    Tall Paul Supporter! Supporter

    I do not collect ancient coins per se, but there are issues that grab my attention and this is one of them. Its surface is not in the best condition but I should look so good when I'm 2500 years old. I have looked for a few years to find one of these and I am very happy to become the custodian of this coin.

    Lucania, Sybaris 550-510 BC. Stater 7.50 g, 28mm.
    Bull standing left, head right "VM" in exergue.
    Incuse of the obverse.
    SNG ANS 828-839.
    Light graffiti on the bull's chest on the reverse.


  15. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Exploring the World of Coins Supporter

    GETA, Publius Septimius Geta, 198-209 Caesar, 209-211 Augustus, Denarius(200-202) Mint = Rome

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    Bing and Johndakerftw like this.
  16. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Exploring the World of Coins Supporter

    A few more I recently acquired

    20250110_171451.jpg 20250110_171913.jpg
  17. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Exploring the World of Coins Supporter

    Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus "Thrax"

    20250110_184329.jpg 20250110_184228.jpg
    Johndakerftw, Bing and GinoLR like this.
  18. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Exploring the World of Coins Supporter

    Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (born Sextus Varius Avitus Bassianus, c. 204 – 13 March 222), better known by his posthumous nickname Elagabalus

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    Johndakerftw and Bing like this.
  19. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Exploring the World of Coins Supporter

    Xerxes - Artaxerxes I Achaemenid Silver Siglos. 420-375 BCE with counterstrike.

    20250110_230421.jpg 20250110_230433.jpg
  20. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Srivijaya Kingdom Gold ¼ Massa (minted sometime between 680 and 1250):


    Johndakerftw and Bing like this.
  21. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Well-Known Member

    Srivijaya Kingdom Gold Massa (minted sometime between 680 and 1250):


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