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Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by The Meat man, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Catuvellauni Gold 1/4 Stater of Cunobelin from the 1st century:


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  3. H8_modern

    H8_modern Attracted to small round-ish art

    I picked this up last week as well. It’s rough but an unusual and weird design, fairly rare and a connection to Pompey.



  4. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

  5. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Achaemenid Gold Daric (minted in Sardis sometime between 485 BCE and 420 BCE):

    Achaemenid Gold Daric (minted in Sardis sometime between 485 BCE and 420 BCE).jpg
  6. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Empire of the Romans Gold Solidus of Anastasius I (minted in Constantinople sometime between 491 and 518):

  7. Roman Provincial, Gallienus AE (9.41 Grms, 23 mm) Obverse: AYT K Π..., Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Reverse: MHT..., winged lion walking right. Possibly Neocaesarera Pontus. SNG Von Aulock 118, VF with nice desert patina.

    Attached Files:

    Johndakerftw likes this.
  8. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Here is my most recent. It is from the current batch of uncleaned and I finished it this morning. This coin, like many in the current batch, has heavy silver on the surface. These are very difficult to clean without removing the silver. It also restricts the amount of detail I can expose.

    Hope you like it.

    Constantine AE follis. 321-324 AD. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath. Mintmark BSIS sunburst.

    GarrettB, philologus_1, Bing and 2 others like this.
  9. Mr.MonkeySwag96

    Mr.MonkeySwag96 Well-Known Member


    L Procilius Denarius, 80 BC. AR Denarius (17,3 mm. 3,8 g.). Rome. S C behind laureate head of Jupiter right. Rev. L PROCILI F, Juno Sospita walking right, wielding spear, shield on left arm, coiled serpent at foot right. Crawford 379/1; Sydenham 771; Procilia 1; Sear 306.

    Ex. Eid Mar Auctions
  10. Mr.MonkeySwag96

    Mr.MonkeySwag96 Well-Known Member


    L Rustius, 74 BC. AR Denarius (19 mm. 3,7 g.). Rome. Helmeted head of Mars right. SC behind head, X beneath chin. Rev. Ram standing right, L RVSTI in exergue. Crawford 389/1; Sydenham 782; Rustia 1; Sear 320.

    Ex. Eid Mar Auctions
  11. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Sassanid Gold Dinar of Shapur II from 320:

    Sassanid Gold Dinar of Shapur II from 320.jpg
  12. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

  13. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Gupta Gold Dinar of Kumaragupta I (minted sometime between 413 and 455):

    The Meat man, Johndakerftw and Bing like this.
  14. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Roman Gold Solidus of Valens (minted in Antioch in 364):

  15. philologus_1

    philologus_1 Supporter! Supporter

    Here is my most recent purchase, which is also my first histamenon nomisma.
    Constantine IX (1042-1055 AD), who tried to prevent the Great Schism of 1054.
    Gold. 28 mm. 4.39 gr. 6 h.
    SB 1830.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
  16. cmezner

    cmezner do ut des Supporter

    That's areally wonderful histamenon. Congrats!:)
    philologus_1 likes this.
  17. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Abbasid Gold Dinar of Harun al-Rashid (minted in al-Rafiqa in either 805 or 806):

    Abbasid Gold Dinar of Harun al-Rashid (minted in al-Rafiqa in either 805 or 806).jpg
  18. Broucheion

    Broucheion Well-Known Member

    Hi All,

    I don't collect these but it was a snack I could not resist for under $28 with all S&H included.

    As far as I know the 2001 Hesperia article by Camp & Kroll ("The Agora Mint and Athenian Bronze Coinage"), is the latest on Athenian bronzes. JSTOR link is here. If you know of any newer research please let me know. Thanks!


    Greece, Athens ca 166-80 BCE
    Size: 17x18 mm
    Weight: 6.77 g
    Die Axis: 00:00

    Obv: Head of Zeus r., bound with tainia. Dotted border.
    Rev: Athena, striding right, hurling thunderbolt in raised right hand, holding shield on extended left arm. in left field: A over wheat ear; in right field: Θ over E over coiled serpent facing right. Dotted border not visible.
    Refs: Svoronos pl 22, 53-58; Kleiner Type 3, pl 2, 34-37; Camp&Kroll-89.

    - Broucheion
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
  19. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Great Seljuk Empire Gold Dinar of Alp Arslan (minted in Qazvin in either 1066 or 1067):

    Great Seljuk Empire Gold Dinar of Alp Arslan (minted in Qazvin in either 1066 or 1067).jpg
  20. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Kushan Gold Dinar of Kipunada (minted sometime between 335 and 350):

    Kushan Gold Dinar of Kipunada (minted sometime between 335 and 350).jpg
    Bing, philologus_1 and Johndakerftw like this.
  21. philologus_1

    philologus_1 Supporter! Supporter

    Beautiful design! Splendid example!
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