Post your Fractionals

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by Duke Kavanaugh, May 15, 2010.

  1. midas1

    midas1 Exalted Member

    I've got some more cuban fractionals around here someplace.
    The top posted fractional I picked up yesterday. The top edge of it feels rough almost as if it was perforated.

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  3. gsalexan

    gsalexan Intaglio aficionado

    Yeah, I am, too. Duke, pretty much every one of the images you posted looks like it's been moved or deleted. Is it me or is there some weird connection that keeps breaking between Photobucket and CT?
  4. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    How did I find this
  5. benveniste

    benveniste Type Type

    Zombie thread, but what the heck.

    Zombie.jpg 15CentObv.jpg 15CentRev.jpg
    johnmilton and ZoidMeister like this.
  6. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    I put together an almost complete type set of fractional currency in the late 1980s. The 50 Postal Currency was the perforated edges was one of the hardest to find.

    Frac 1st 50 F Perf.jpg Frac 1st 50 B Perf.jpg

    I paid the most money for this group. This 15 cent note was made only as an essay. When I was in the market, I saw pieces that had been glued together, back and front, in an attempt to make a complete note. These are the so-called "wide margin" pieces. Frac 3rd 15 F.jpg Frac 3rd 15 B G.jpg Frac 3rd 15 B R.jpg

    I can post any of the others, if there is an interest.

    Sometimes it's good to bring back a "zombie thread" or maybe it's better to do "Frankenstein" and create a new one.

    That's a nice Fourth Issue 15 cent note BTW, @benveniste.
    benveniste likes this.
  7. Tall Paul

    Tall Paul Supporter! Supporter

    Picked this up in early May. I'm ten notes away from completing a fractional type set.


  8. gsalexan

    gsalexan Intaglio aficionado

    Thanks for the bump @benveniste!

    I believe these wide margin "proofs" were originally printed specifically for the fractional shields. Here's a full sheet from the BEP Certified Proofs in the Smithsonian:
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