Post your coin porn!!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Mainebill, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    Foundations construction excavation or rubbish disposal ;)
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  3. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

  4. throwbackid

    throwbackid Well-Known Member

    My first unopened gsa coin, supposedly unsearched. image.jpg
    gijoe76, cletis faye, Skyman and 7 others like this.
  5. throwbackid

    throwbackid Well-Known Member

    Here one from your boy Chum Lee, supposedly Rick paid 70k for it probably at the Fun Show. image.jpg
    cletis faye, JPeace$, Skyman and 3 others like this.
  6. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    Rare as can be but not attractive in my opinion the panama 50c beautiful tho!!
    cletis faye likes this.
  7. onecenter

    onecenter Member

    That is S-O-M-E half union! A beauty!
  8. throwbackid

    throwbackid Well-Known Member

    I love buying gold and having it get to you worth almost $100 more. image.jpg image.jpg

    And the 1901 for my Morgan registry, officially 72/93 completed
    gijoe76, Big-Greek, Skyman and 7 others like this.
  9. rayman311

    rayman311 Active Member

    First shots with iPhone of new upgrade:
    image.jpg image.jpg
  10. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    There is a coin lop made for the
    IPhone camera 5&6 $19.95 on eBay some are less
    throwbackid likes this.
  11. rayman311

    rayman311 Active Member

    Considered macro lens for mine. Have you tried one out?
  12. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    I have a Samsung but a friend send me Lincoln DDO RPM to checkout.
    Photo are sharp and Very good
  13. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    No. But I did try that lens on my phone I could not find any difference but my eyes need a check up for new glasses.but other things come 1st now
  14. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

  15. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

    Moffet gold Cali 4 life
  16. throwbackid

    throwbackid Well-Known Member

    image.jpg A little more new gold
  17. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    I sure wouldn't tell anybody
    cletis faye, jello and josh's coins like this.
  18. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

  19. cash4coin

    cash4coin ran 20 redlights

    pine.jpg corn_pone_hats-r90f6c8c3f2c843dea0a53ee7f75cf226_v9wf1_8byvr_512.jpg pine.jpg corn_pone_hats-r90f6c8c3f2c843dea0a53ee7f75cf226_v9wf1_8byvr_512.jpg
    jello likes this.
  20. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

  21. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Everyone wishing this was There's.
    Shoewrecky, rayman311, dwhiz and 6 others like this.
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