Post Beautiful Women

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by lonegunlawyer, Nov 29, 2012.


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Then you should like this one -

    1848 5 franc essai obv.jpg
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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    This has always been a favorite of mine -

    1848 10c essai obv.jpg
  4. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    For this one, if I removed Marianne's helmet, I'd never leave France.


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  5. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    However, weekend jaunts to Belgium wouldn't be out of the question....


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  6. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

    Chris, you have posted some fabulous coins! I must now look for them and own them myself. Where would I begin?
  7. cladking

    cladking Coin Collector

  8. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

  9. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

  10. Chiefbullsit

    Chiefbullsit CRAZY HORSE

    Where toned coins come from...:D

    . 1g.jpg
  11. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    First, these are medals rather than coins.

    With the exception of Marianne standing in front of the French Senate building, most of them were purchased 8-10 years ago. I found that medals from the 19th and early 20th century were the most intriguing, and many were designed by the foremost artists in Western Europe.

    I was fortunate to establish a good (buying) relationship with three sellers in and around Paris, and often they would contact me whenever a really nice medal came into their possession.

    You can start by searching "French medals" or "Belgian medals" or "Swiss medals" or "Italian medals" and sort through these to find any that tickle your fancy. NOTE: If you just searched "medals", you will likely have a few hundred thousand which would also include military medals, religious medals, auto club medals, etc. from all over the planet.

  12. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    This is my oldest medal. It's from Italy and is dated 1803. Ha! I would love to have three women "in the palm of my hand" at the same time!


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  13. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    On the other hand, some women don't take kindly to propositions........

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  14. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    ......others are "too flighty"...........

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  15. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    .......some prefer to get together and compare notes......

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  16. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    ......others want to shout it to the world.......

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  17. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    ......and then there are those who have never been propositioned in their life.

    The end!

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  18. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

  19. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

  20. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

  21. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    A bit earlier this time, about 2400 years earlier for Syracuse and "Arethusa":

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