Winged, sounds like you have thought this out and you won't get a grilling from me (ok, maybe a little). Just think for a min that one might tire of a coin or want to trade one for another new interest or upgrade, I like to keep my options open. It would seem to me though that it is that OGH is why others felt confident enough to place strong bids and removing that asset from your collection seems silly to me for a picture. Especially when so many here outline how to properly take pictures right through slabs. Being in a 20 year old holder I would believe a toned coin to be quite stable and now that confidence is gone. You bought it so yours to decide. To each their own, Killer coin by the way, raw, slabbed, in bad light or on the moon!
copper, i do appreciate your point of view! By the way, PCGS still has this coin, so I thought since they have it I would send it through their regrading process for a re-grade (what the heck, right?) ... I just emailed them about pulling it out of the REHOLDER service and put it in the REGRADE service. I will let you know if this upgrades to a PR63. It's a coin flip for sure, probably depends on which of their graders gets it in their hands. In terms of stability, well at least I know it has stable color. Like I said, if I was going to sell it, I would probably care about that more! But this is one of my favorite coins in my collection -- and I rarely sell anything (even my dogs).
Thanks If you compare it with the silver dollar in my avatar, you'll see that they exhibit very similar toning patterns. The silver dollar toned as a result of being in a coin envelope after I bought it in 1989 until I put it in a Dansco 70-70 album in 1994 and kept it in a house that had a high sulfur content in the air for a couple of years. I bought the French coin 3 or 4 years ago at a coin show in Japan and it was already nicely toned (one reason why I bought it), and it is apparently album toning. The French coin exhibits very little toning on the other side, but my silver dollar has the same type of toning on both sides.
This coin has several looks depending on the angle. It is a total different coin in different types of light as well. This set of pictures most accurately depicts its attributes. It resides in an older NGC 65 BN holder and was picked up at FUN in 2010. I missed this coin in an auction and was lucky to get a second chance on it! Matt
This one I picked up at the same FUN show in 2010. Although it has weak wheats, which is typical for the date, it has decent luster and warm tones of gray that I find attractive. I may upgrade to a crisper strike someday, but for the money this coin fits in my set perfectly. NGC 65 BN.
My newest one! Too bad about that hit on good ol' Ben's head, but still a beauty and replacing the blast white one in my Dansco.
Yeah. I have season tickets. They're not looking that good but the entertainment is still there for sure! Its gonna take a few years but I think they're on the right track now finally.. As far as the half...$22 shipped I thought I did great.
Yep! When I looked on ebay to check it was actually $22 plus shipping so the total was $25. Its a little darker in hand but the colors are even nicer.