Post a Toned Coin

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Lincoln Cents, Sep 9, 2011.


What color toning do you like best?

  1. Red

  2. Orange

  3. Yellow

  4. Green

  5. Blue

  6. Purple

  7. Black/Grey

  8. Rainbow

  9. None

  10. Other

  1. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer


    A recent acquisition that looks like a sunset scene in an old western. An MS64 but with a lot of style points for eye appeal!
    geekpryde, AcesKings, robec and 3 others like this.
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  3. egodoro

    egodoro Member

    While ordering my usual jelly filled at Dunkin’ Donuts, I looked down and found this 2016 P dime.

    Attached Files:

  4. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Yeah dime turn that color sometimes from pee.
    Paul M. likes this.
  5. Nathan401

    Nathan401 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  6. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

  7. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    So it’s a 2016-PEE?
    Paddy54 likes this.
  8. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    I guess that’s why my mother told me to wash my hands
  9. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    I shall be up in your neck of the woods for 2 weeks in June and 1 in July.
    My last trip I was in Brunswick Me .
  10. robec

    robec Junior Member

  11. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    Wow, gorgeous...
    RonSanderson and Lehigh96 like this.
  12. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

  13. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    Last edited: May 27, 2019
    Paul M., geekpryde, Paul_62 and 6 others like this.
  14. leeg

    leeg I Enjoy Toned Coins

  15. giorgio11

    giorgio11 Senior Numismatist

    1c 1915-D MS65BN PCGS Lincoln's Dream Trueview 34242714.jpg
    1c 1932-D MS65RB Trueview Color 35460228.jpg
    1c 1939-D MS64RB PCGS 34920780 Trueview Great Tone!.jpg

    Kind regards,

    Paul M., geekpryde, Paul_62 and 9 others like this.
  16. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

  17. Skyman

    Skyman Well-Known Member

  18. KevinM

    KevinM Well-Known Member

    The coppers on this page well as being quite colorful all seem to be mint ;)
  19. MercuryBen

    MercuryBen Well-Known Member

    I've had trouble finding a nicely toned 43 with Full Bands. I recently submitted this 43 raw and it went 66+FB. Not a bad looking example, but I'm still looking for a 67FB or 67+FB with nicer color.

  20. TexasJarhead

    TexasJarhead Junior Member

  21. Dfrizz21

    Dfrizz21 New Member

    D665304D-618B-4FA3-9EBB-8CB937159ACC.jpeg Can anyone tell me if these coins are toned? Im unsure
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