Post a Toned Coin

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Lincoln Cents, Sep 9, 2011.


What color toning do you like best?

  1. Red

  2. Orange

  3. Yellow

  4. Green

  5. Blue

  6. Purple

  7. Black/Grey

  8. Rainbow

  9. None

  10. Other

  1. MercuryBen

    MercuryBen Well-Known Member

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  3. GenX Enthusiast

    GenX Enthusiast Forensic grammatician

    MercuryBen likes this.
  4. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    A nicely toned acquisition this week and an MS67 to boot. I need to get it under a microscope since the toning can hide a lot of sins. But I like the color and the grade.

    Mainebill, Jim Reeves, leeg and 3 others like this.
  5. RonSanderson

    RonSanderson Supporter! Supporter

    This 1919 Standing Liberty Quarter was posted before (#21698), but I like these photos better.

    25c 1919 full 01v.gif
    Mainebill, Jim Reeves, leeg and 3 others like this.
  6. MercuryBen

    MercuryBen Well-Known Member

    Nice Stone Mountain. My two cents - if you need a microscope to detect hits on a half dollar, even on a toned example, the hits are too small to be relevant.
  7. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    Actually studying dies, die cracks, DDO/DDR, and other issues. I am getting old enough and shaky enough that using a microscope is just easier.

    However, I appreciate your thinking I am much younger. My wife reminded me the other day that thirteen people died in our county last month and nine of them were younger than we are. Time marches on.
  8. Nathan401

    Nathan401 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  9. Heathster

    Heathster Member

    Looks like a Rainbow, This is a really coool toned coin.

    Attached Files:

    LuxUnit likes this.
  10. TexasJarhead

    TexasJarhead Junior Member

  11. Paul M.

    Paul M. Well-Known Member

    Type set acquisition. PCGS MS65, seller photos.
    1964-D Quarter.jpg
    geekpryde, petro89, jgrinz and 8 others like this.
  12. TexasJarhead

    TexasJarhead Junior Member

    Paul M. likes this.
  13. Paul M.

    Paul M. Well-Known Member

    Thanks! You might be surprised how hard it is to find nice, double sided Washington quarter toners. I had to look a long time to find this one.
    CircCam likes this.
  14. Jim Reeves

    Jim Reeves New Member

  15. Jim Reeves

    Jim Reeves New Member

  16. BlackberryPie

    BlackberryPie I like pie

  17. Skyman

    Skyman Well-Known Member

  18. RonSanderson

    RonSanderson Supporter! Supporter

    jgrinz, Paul M., robec and 3 others like this.
  19. leeg

    leeg I Enjoy Toned Coins

    I think a nice 31-D is tougher to find than the 31-S. Nice one!
    Jim Reeves and RonSanderson like this.
  20. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    81ov68-2437-obv-300.jpg Just when you thought it was safe to go outside this article appeared...….

    For those of you who know or remember physics much better than I do here is one of the definitive articles on just how toning occurs.

    Even if this is too much, it lets you know toning is a little more technical than you thought. Doug Kurz put together a Morgan toned collection that was the best ever seen and when it went up for auction the prices realized were astounding. You can look it up on the PCGS Set Registry as the Sunnywood Collection.
    Last edited: May 12, 2019
  21. jgrinz

    jgrinz Senior Member

    Well I haven't pull this out of the vault for a while and I gasp each time ...

    1.jpg 2.jpg
    USS656, spirityoda, Mainebill and 5 others like this.
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