Here is the 2 ends of a '64 bankroll that my grandmother gave me a long time ago. Unfortunately I didn't know to keep the bankroll intact and opened up all of the ones she had given me.
Here's a 1926-S Peace Dollar that has been residing in a framed 20th Century Type Set case for the past 17 years or so:
This 1921-S Morgan $1 which has been the 26-S Peace dollar's companion for the past 17 years exhibits a similar toning pattern, but for some reason none of the other silver coins in the 20th century case do.
It's almost as rare to find a nicely toned 1921 Morgan as it is a nicely toned Peace Dollar. Very nice!!
This one has very special meaning for me. My best friend, Shane, posted this one along with some other vintage slabs on the NGC forums a couple days ago. Knowing Shane's eye for toners, I jokingly commented that he made a mistake and he should get rid of it. He replied, "I'll send it to you!" I sent him a PM telling him that I was just kidding, but he said that he knew I had been down in the dumps lately, and he thought it might cheer me up. That's what friends are for! I was flabbergasted. Anyway, I haven't received it yet, but these are Shane's photos. Chris