Post a Toned Coin

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Lincoln Cents, Sep 9, 2011.


What color toning do you like best?

  1. Red

  2. Orange

  3. Yellow

  4. Green

  5. Blue

  6. Purple

  7. Black/Grey

  8. Rainbow

  9. None

  10. Other

  1. coinsarefun

    coinsarefun Junior Member

    I had a few graded to add to my toned silver eagle set.
    the first one is a proof.




    Attached Files:

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  3. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    I absolutely love that middle one!!!!!
    jello likes this.
  4. dmott88

    dmott88 Coin Slinger

    54 nickel.jpg 61 quarter.jpg 1961 dime.jpg
    Gotta have some loving for toned proofs!
    gbroke and jello like this.
  5. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    jello likes this.
  6. blu62vette

    blu62vette Member

    IHC Proof, will post the reverse later.

  7. blu62vette

    blu62vette Member

    And the reverse of the IHC proof.

    TypicalCreepahx likes this.
  8. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    They are incredible. I have one like that, but to have a few with incredible color, and certified to the point of "market acceptability?" WOW!! LOVE it.
    jello likes this.
  9. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    87eagle.jpg 87eaglerev.jpg

    This is the only ASE I own that is toned and in a slab. The ones that coinsarefun have are amazing!
  10. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    Well, that isn't true any longer, as I just got this one minutes ago off of the 'bay on a best offer:

    91 ASE.jpg
    jello likes this.
  11. bahabully

    bahabully Junior Member


    Attached Files:

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  12. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    I had been looking at that one too. Congrats on getting it!
    How much did you offer him?
    jello likes this.
  13. coinsarefun

    coinsarefun Junior Member

  14. dmott88

    dmott88 Coin Slinger

  15. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    Another trip to e-bay, and the same seller as the ASE I got a few days ago--another best offer, and a new home for this toned Kennedy:

  16. SSG_Gonzo

    SSG_Gonzo Well-Known Member

    So today I took the three Jefferson Nickels I had (61, 62 and 63) purchased a while back graded as Questionable color from PCGS and cracked them out. I will tell you what that was nurve wrecking lol. I followed my friend Robecs advise to the "t" and all came out ok. I still dont think that they are AT but I am not a pro so they are now living it up in my Jefferson Danceco Album :)
    Here are the coins I broke out.
  17. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Here one[​IMG] from 1995 ANA fun show

  18. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    Another Kryptonite auction sniped: 87.jpg 87rev.jpg
  19. HappyCoins

    HappyCoins Active Member

    Hi everybody I'm new somebody talk to me about this toned coins please ?


    IMG_0226.jpg IMG_0227.jpg


    IMG_0224.jpg IMG_0225.jpg IMG_0228.jpg

  20. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Getting anything with color past the TPG's is an act of God. :rolleyes:
  21. HappyCoins

    HappyCoins Active Member

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