Post a Toned Coin

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Lincoln Cents, Sep 9, 2011.


What color toning do you like best?

  1. Red

  2. Orange

  3. Yellow

  4. Green

  5. Blue

  6. Purple

  7. Black/Grey

  8. Rainbow

  9. None

  10. Other

  1. Paul_62

    Paul_62 Just takin' it one day at a time

    Some Franklins I picked up last week off of ebay

    1952_1.jpg 1952_1 rev.jpg

    1954_1.jpg 1954 rev.jpg
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  3. Paul_62

    Paul_62 Just takin' it one day at a time

    and this 1958

    1958.jpg 1958 rev.jpg
  4. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    Picked up an old Whitman full of beauties.

    I just posted them in the nickel thread, but here a couple to get your juices flowing.
  5. Joshycfl

    Joshycfl Senior Member


    i'm normally not a sucker for toners. but i couldn't pass on this guy
  6. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®



    Attached Files:

  7. NorthKorea

    NorthKorea Dealer Member is a made up title...

    Thanks. :) I've been trying to simulate something north of 3500, but I wasn't sure the CFLs would do it. I'll try that out. :D
  8. Paul_62

    Paul_62 Just takin' it one day at a time

    oops wrong thread
  9. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    Just picked this one up today--this isn't my picture, but the seller's. I have been looking for a nice, toned 51 Proof Frankie, with eye appeal. Bingo!!

    51PF.jpg 51PF r.jpg
  10. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    This rainbow herd migrated to me today.

    Dj Shift likes this.
  11. talkcoin

    talkcoin Well-Known Member

    Beautiful Coins, Beautiful Pictures! Love that '81o :yes:
  12. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    Haven't seen much love for the Canadian toners eh.
    Not a fan? Maybe some of these will change your mind. ;)

    This was the start of an abandoned goal of completing a toned half dollar set.

    spirityoda likes this.
  13. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    1887 Morgan dollar. I don't really know what to make of this toning.

    Attached Files:

  14. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    :devil:Alabama they would need a Pass Port:devil:
    Just Joking
    !!!! Gemmy Toners Greg!
    Like that 1967!
    Hex I like them All!
  15. petro89

    petro89 Member

    Pffft...Canadian toners...those are boring and ugly. Who in their right mind would enjoy looking at that dreck? Just send them to me and I'll dispose of them for you properly.

    Canadian toners.....:veryangry:
  16. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    Those have to be some of the coolest coins i've ever seen. If you're ever looking to sell any, tell me please.

    The 1943 and the second 1944 are my favorites. I'm a fan of deep blue toning but all of them are amazing.
  17. jlj

    jlj Member

    I found these two at a shop yesterday. They are common dates, but I did not have these dates already. They were in an old cardboard type of album.

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  18. NorthKorea

    NorthKorea Dealer Member is a made up title...

    I posted this before, but I finally had a chance to photograph it somewhat correctly.
    Left to right:

    Raspberry background w/ diffused indoor daylight.
    Raspberry background w/ 9:00 and 4:30 5000K "daylight" CFLs.
    Cyan background w/ 9:00 and 4:30 5000K "daylight" CFLs.

    All shot 100 ISO (starting to think I should do 200, as a lot of these are getting odd washout), object white balanced to daylight.

    Morgan toned reverse.jpg
  19. krispy

    krispy krispy


    Curious why you shoot the coin with any such color backgrounds (raspberry (=magenta/maroon?) and cyan), then crop the coin out of it's background and present it on a rich colored background (seen here)?

    Try to shoot against white, black or a 50% neutral gray background and you'll eliminate the false color which the the other background colors impart on your coin. I can 'see' the overall effect of the warm and cool color difference from the backgrounds in each coin image and that gives a false color reading. That simply defeats the purpose of trying to capture the brilliant color range of your coins' toning. Any color background when you are shooting is reflecting some spectrum of that color and will be picked up by the camera, be it shot on film or a digital sensor. Those lamps will serve you well, but a color background is defeating the purpose of the balanced light you want falling on your subject.

    Regarding the presentation... If your intention is to show-off the toning colors on your coin, but you have surrounded the subject matter with a 100% saturated background, this is also fooling our eyes. We see and sense way too much "warm" color looking at this image file. That's distracting our eyes and visual reading of the "WOW! color" on your coin that I'm sure you hoped to capture, share and impress others with.

    Most coin images are presented on a black or white solid background and only feature the coin and it's merits. I think you should try things this way for more accurate results.

    Using lamps such as you are, you should also do test shots with a range of ISOs, above and below what you think you should be shooting. Also note the lifespan of your bulbs as they too change over time. When you get a new lamp, and try a set up of various angles and distances of the lights from the subject, and if you use other lenses, keep in mind that each unique session and arrangement of all these factors matters and can affect your outcome. Many photographers keep notes and measured settings of these factors to reproduce image quality from one shoot to the next.

    Given all the above tips and thoughts, there's always digital editing to get the right balance you may not achieve in your shots, but there again, we will all see it differently as we are all using different monitors of varying quality and resolution. You can go bananas trying to get all these technical things sorted out and still not get everyone on the same page, so start with eliminating the easy stuff like not shooting on color influencing backgrounds, rather than confusing any advice that pricey equipment and software is the key.

    It looks to me like there's quite a lot of color on your coin and will really pop when it's not competing with other colors. Sometimes it takes many attempts to get it just right, but the effort is well worth the labor. Hope some of these ideas helped. :thumb:
  20. mrgooch

    mrgooch Active Member

    Very nice colors for a Morgan Dollar. I just found them on Ebay.

    $54..jpg $54.00.jpg
    $40.00.jpg $40.jpg
  21. thecoinczar

    thecoinczar Member

    It looks like we are both victims of the toned coin syndrome! I only have a handful of toned coins due to the fact that I don't see them too often at the coin shops that I go to and I don't go on Ebay at all anymore. I seldom see them offered in the on-line auctions that I follow and if I do it is usually a Morgan dollar with monster toning and way out of my price range! Someday I'll be able to get all the toned coins I want. I know it, but for now I'll have to be happy with what I have and keep my eyes open for good deals.
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