Poll: TPG Variety Attribution

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Jaelus, Aug 31, 2014.


Do you prefer if a slabbed variety coin is attributed on the label?

  1. Yes, it's always a plus.

    12 vote(s)
  2. Only if it's a major variety.

    6 vote(s)
  3. No, I don't care for it.

    0 vote(s)
  4. It doesn't make a difference.

    1 vote(s)
  1. Jaelus

    Jaelus The Hungarian Antiquarian Supporter

    How does everyone feel about variety attribution on slabs? In general with all things being equal, if you were buying a slabbed coin that happened to be of a variety, do you prefer if the variety is attributed on the label or not?

    Since the attribution on the label generally requires an additional fee, I'm wondering if it actually helps (or hurts) the marketability of a coin. It seems to me that most people do not opt for attribution when submitting coins.
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  3. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    It depends! If it is a minor variety, then it doesn't matter. If it is one that would add substantially to the value, then it would be worth it.

  4. Jaelus

    Jaelus The Hungarian Antiquarian Supporter

    Monetarily, yes. But let's assume you're a minor variety collector and you like to see the variety attribution. Does having the attribution hurt the appeal of the slab to type collectors?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
  5. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    I only like slabs because they tell me I'm buying a genuine, likely not cleaned coin. Otherwise, I prefer to look at the coin with a loupe to decide if I want it. The attribution would be nice to cue me in, but not necessary, unless it's a major/valuable one.
  6. Caleb

    Caleb Active Member

    I would be happy "if" the TPG companies could just get the attributions correct on the labels of the varieties listed in the CPG.
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  7. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    I suspect that, at least some type collectors overlook coins having an attribution on the holder, believing the price will necessarily be higher than for a "generic" coin of that type, not knowing that the coin they are looking at might actually be quite common.
  8. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    If I am buying then yes since the TPG's will guarantee their attributions.

    ANACS and ICG, not so much.

    All 4 make error's in attributions but only 2 cover their mistakes with cash.
  9. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Which two? I know PCGS does now (used to be they didn't), but who is the other? I know it isn't NGC, ANACS, or ICG. NGC and ANACS both specifically state they don't guarantee attributions, ICG says nothing about them. (ICG also says nothing about guaranteeing the coins are authentic either. It used to be only PCGS and NGC were silent about authenticity of the coins in their slabs. Now they guarantee them and ICG has gone silent on the matter. Interestingly while ICG does guarantee their grading they at the same time disclaim any warranty or liability for their grading.)

    From a hypothetical standpoint since I won't buy slabbed coins, i would say that if I did I wouldn't mind seeing minor varieties listed on the label, but I'd rather NOT see major ones. Better cherrypicking opportunities that way.
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