Pocket Change Finds; Post Your Results

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by Kevin Mader, Jan 31, 2020.


Should this thread be created to capture finds from change and leave CRH threads separate?

Poll closed Feb 14, 2020.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

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  3. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

  4. Dustin McDaniel

    Dustin McDaniel Active Member

    I went to my dump bank to return a little over $1100 in halves. The coin machine is a self serve machine. When bag is full an attendant will come change it out. While waiting for change out I noticed 2 coins on the magnet.
    1984 Canadian dime
    2006 New Zealand coin
    When I went to the teller to cash out, my change part was .50. One of the two quarters was a 2019 San Antonio W. Not in perfect shape but I'll take it. Didn't even have to open a whole box to get that o e W quarter.
    IMG_20240129_210623.jpg IMG_20240129_210644.jpg IMG_20240129_210659.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Heavymetal, Kevin Mader and -jeffB like this.
  5. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

  6. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    Great timing at the bank, Dustin!

    Sal - nice survivor there!
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  7. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

  8. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    It’s an opportunity
    Kevin Mader and SensibleSal66 like this.
  9. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

  10. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

  11. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    I’m not sure about mine. A couple years back the lot our laundromat was on was converted into new affordable housing…only it’s not all that affordable. I think I have to go to Clinton or Guilford now. 10 minutes or so. :)
  12. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    I caught this in change and it caught my eye immediately. Copper cents seem to do that. Upon closer inspection it’s a clash with faint jail bars when in hand. I have a discovery piece for jail bars on a 1970S. Anyway, here it is -

    IMG_1929.jpeg IMG_1930.jpeg
    -jeffB and Pickin and Grinin like this.
  13. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    Some angled lighting -

    IMG_1941.jpeg IMG_1937.jpeg IMG_1935.jpeg

    I believe it is TDC-1970D-01 but in an earlier state since I have jail bars to the right of Lincoln.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  14. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    And another pocket find -

    IMG_1931.jpeg IMG_1932.jpeg
  15. Rambutan52

    Rambutan52 Well-Known Member

    My third installment of purchasing $1k bag of quarters from my local bank was pretty uneventful. These coins were supplied to the bank from a local laundromat. The only notable find was a 2020-W Tall Grass Prairie. There were about three dozen finds from 2009-2012 when mintage was significantly reduced.

    IMG_0957.jpeg IMG_1072.jpeg IMG_1075.jpeg
    -jeffB and Kevin Mader like this.
  16. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Seems like a lot of work for so little. JMO.
    -jeffB likes this.
  17. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    Remember Sal...the thrill is in the hunt!! Not all hunts produce 'game', but if there's enjoyment along the way, it's a win for me.

    What it shows, along with @71Avalon more recent finds, is that the laundromat dumps produce. Sometimes silver...sometimes W mints. We have good finds floating through our fingertips, provided you are still a cash user, so there are opportunities abound. I feel some satisfaction plucking that clashed 1970 D before it got to beat up in circulation. Each entry in this thread fit that definition.

    Keep making change and checking your pockets, folks! It's fun seeing everyone's unexpected finds! Speaking of which...I haven't seen a Star Note in a while.
    Rambutan52 and -jeffB like this.
  18. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Well, here ya go two of them.
    NOS and Kevin Mader like this.
  19. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    Funny thing was I found a $20 Star Note not too long ago but gave it to my wife to give to a coworker (a fellow coin collector I would see occasionally at the LCS). I wish I kept it!! LOL
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  20. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    And if it seems like "work", it's probably not the sub-hobby for you. ;)
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  21. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    A tiny bit off topic, but anyone remember an old website that had a master list of error/uncommon coins you could find in pocket change? Something like "pocket change treasures"? I can't for tge life of me remember it

    Nevermind, just check an old bookmark folder I forgot I had, found it http://www.collectorscorner.org/pocket.html
    Kevin Mader likes this.
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