PF70 with a nick?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Aquahollic, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Aquahollic

    Aquahollic ֍ E Pluribus Unum ֎

    That's what I'm curious about too. How can one tell if it's bulk submitted based on the label?

    And how can one tell with a custom label?
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  3. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    First you have to post a image of the slab, like SuperDave did .
    Also post an image of the reverse too ...
  4. Aquahollic

    Aquahollic ֍ E Pluribus Unum ֎

    I returned the coin in this post. I'm curious about me going forward making future purchases. How can I tell if a coin is bulk submitted or not?

    Lets take for example the PCGS coin above. How can you tell if it's bulk submitted? And how can you tell on a NGC label?
  5. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    The one just above is a custom label made for a major submitter, it isn't a label just anyone can get for a coin they send in. To get a custom label you have to make it worth their while, very large bulk submission and possibly pay an extra fee. It isn't something someone (or the TPG) would do for a small submission. But a bulk submitter that doesn't spring for a custom label gets the same type label as the guy who sends in just a few coins. So they only way to tell if those are bulk or small submission is by looking up the coins in the submission.
  6. TJ1952

    TJ1952 Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad. I call this one the suicide hit!

    S20160305_001.jpg S20160305_002.jpg S20160305_003.jpg S20160305_004.jpg
  7. rooman9

    rooman9 Lovin Shiny Things

    Only 70 I own was because it was cheaper than any other one haha. including the raw ones.
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