Penny Rosa/Rosa Americana 1722/23 - what is it worth?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by Coinismatics2000, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Hi All,

    I have been learning the interesting history of the Penny Rosa - it is seemingly quite scarce!

    What is it worth in a grade like this?
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Looks like a halfpenny? Maybe VG grade. The penny (at least the one on Numista) has a crowned rose. The halfpenny should be slightly bigger than a US quarter in diameter, I reckon (Numista does not give the mm size).

    I don't have the Red Book in front of me, but this NGC page I Googled up says $700 in G4 and $850 in VG8. Assuming I looked up the correct variety. For the coin above, I'd take those values with the proverbial grain of salt, and would price it a bit more conservatively than that.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2024
  4. Ah right you are - it does look more like a half penny.
    I looked at some similar figures and thought they were quite inflated, especially for the condition this one is.
    Ebay has varying prices from £45 through to the £800+ mark.

    I am able to buy the depicted coin... what do you think is a favourable price for it?

    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  5. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Not sure but are you talking US or English currency?
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  6. I am based in England so British currency!
    The pound sterling £.
  7. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Hmm... I don't have enough experience with these to give you a knowledgeable answer. I've had a Wood's Hibernia or two over the years, but never a Rosa Americana. I do think the NGC priceguide price is inflated. You've probably made a step in the right direction by researching eBay prices- check the sold (not just closed) listings for suitable comparisons. That should put you in the right ballpark.
    Spark1951 and Coinismatics2000 like this.
  8. I'll keep researching, cheers for this advice.

    I think from what I'm seeing if I can pick this up for less than £75 there should be a profit margin in it.

    I am not buying to sell specifically, it's just nice to know I got it at a competitive price!
    Kentucky and lordmarcovan like this.
  9. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    I always try to buy stuff at a competitive price, even if it’s not something I intend to flip right away. It just makes sense. Only when I’m really crazy about something will I pay much of a premium.
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  10. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    I lose money on every single transaction, but make up for it in VOLUME . . . .


  11. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    These coins were produced circa 1723 for circulation in the American British colonies. They were made of copper, zinc and, it’s been written, a trace of silver. The planchets were rough and unpleasant to use.

    An Englishman, William Wood, obtained a patent from King George I to make these coins. Reported the king was charmed by an attractive German princess as part of the lobbying process. The American colonists rejected the coins, and most of the pieces I have seen graded Fine or better. Lesser grade pieces usually have problems, not wear.

    Looking at the Heritage Auction results and the 77th Edition of the Red Book, these coins are worth from around $150 retail in VG to several thousand in Mint State. Most pieces I have seen grade in the VF to EF range. The coin in the OP appears to grade in the Fine to low VF range.

    I have only one Rosa America piece, a crown rose half penny. NGC graded this AU-58 over 20 years ago.

    Rosa Americana Half P Fix.jpg

  12. Very informative. I like the story behind this coin. I have read that it is the first colonial coin to directly reference America, so numismatically an important piece. Thank you.

    So knowing what we now know... what value would you attribute to the attached pic?

    I would imagine the lower end of the scale being F/VF.
  13. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    The retail value might be around $200 to $250 if the piece has no problems. I don't see any problems, but the photo is shot at an angle which effects the focus.

    Dealers would have to probably sell this coin raw, which is not easy. Getting it certified costs over $50 after you have paid for the grading fees and shipping. If you got a $150 offer from a dealer, I would take it.
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.

  14. Good advice - if i manage to get this coin i will let the thread know. I will take some better pictures of it too!
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  15. l.cutler

    l.cutler Member

    It's a halfpenny, the variety is 2.1-B.1 which is a relatively common variety as these coins go, though I wouldn't really call any of them common, so there wouldn't be any extra value for rarity. Nice detail on that one.
  16. dennis5151

    dennis5151 Ole Grim and I are on first name basis.

    Speaking of King George III, which we were not. I wonder what he did with the original Declaration of Independence? Did we even send him one? If so, was it tossed or worse? I bet it would make a great UK evilbay item.
  17. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Good question. It’s probably in some royal archive somewhere.
  18. Update: I did not end up buying the Penny Rosa. £150 was the price it went for ($190).
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  19. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about it. Another better one will come along. These coins are a little scarce, but they do come up, and they not that popular. Therefore the prices are not as high as you might think Most of them are in higher grades than the one in the OP.
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  20. very true - well put.
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