PCGS rant, rave or WTH?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by fretboard, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Considering a stock photo was used, that multi million dollar international publicly traded companies don't risk their business over a few bucks, that everything is caught by surveillance cameras at the TPGs who would have made it right immediately if true, that graders could make far more money with their skill doing crackouts instead of stealing on camera, do we really not know it was trolling or a revenge attempt?

    While it's not 100 percent impossible it's about as close as it gets, there's a greater chance of winning powerball than there is that that posting is true
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
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  3. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Nefarious can mean either side.;)
  4. TypeCoin971793

    TypeCoin971793 Just a random guy on the internet

    So THAT’s why they don’t publish their standards as they change. :rolleyes:
    heavycam.monstervam likes this.
  5. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Not when you state it like this
    "Lets just say I am more inclined to believe that something neffarious is going on than believe your beloved TPG can do no wrong"

    Nice attempt at trying to backtrack though kudos
    markr likes this.
  6. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    There was nothing to back track on.
    Like I said "either side can be nefarious"
    You just chose to feel like you need to be in defence of PCGS. ;)
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  7. 352sdeer

    352sdeer Collecting Lincoln cents for 50 years!

    The guys not nefarious he is wacko did you read some of his stuff.
    baseball21 likes this.
  8. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Some don't care. They either want it to be true and go after PCGS or are just trying to get me or both. CBD literally posted that he was using a stock photo as the "before" picture yet that isn't good enough for some
  9. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    I just wish I had checked eBay completed sales a couple days ago! :bucktooth::facepalm:
  10. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I am only stating that we don't have the full story besides @C-B-D has stated more into the story. Nefarious is a blancket statement the way I thought I was using it.
  11. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    Maybe the mods should ban the word, "nefarious?" Add it to the list of potty mouth no-no's. LOL! It doesn't seem to work well for CoinTalk.
  12. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

  13. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    I miss Craigslist personals. They were great entertainment
    Evan8, Stevearino and imrich like this.
  14. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Is he still whining that some people refused to rule out any possibility without first having more information? How dare you be open to the possibility that something highly unlikely could still happen! Whenever there is any doubt at all, PCGS is always right. Get that through your head, or find that ignore button. Whichever makes you happier. ;)
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  15. imrich

    imrich Supporter! Supporter

    I've been dealing with a naive prominent "scammer" who was removed from this site some time ago, and called me today mad about a legal action against him. He really didn't know the truth until we had a logical discussion. We "communicated" and he became a different individual.

    A phenomena that many don't realize until they start listening to logic (i.e. uninformed), but often stubbornly deny the difference between logical truth and their opinion.

    I've occasionally learned the truth from the mouths of unbiased "babes".
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  16. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Why are you so obsessed with me? Between the weird messages and then claiming to have blocked me and still responding about me?
  17. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    I think he has you on ignore so can't see your posts but is guessing what you say based on what other people are posting. So addressing him directly won't get a response.
    fretboard and Seattlite86 like this.
  18. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    If I were to ignore someone I wouldn't keep positing over and over again about them. Oh well, not really worried about it. This thread should is the best as it should be an eye opener for a lot of people
  19. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    I think this thread epitomizes what jumping to conclusions is all about; 99.99 percent of the time you would be correct in assuming that the TPG is not in the fault. But it is wrong to assume that 100% of the time that is true. I see your side because you would be wrong only once in 10000 times if you sided with the TPG every time without even looking at the facts and that would be a phenomenal batting average...just no one is perfect and I think that is his point.
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  20. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

  21. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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