Pagoda Star Madras East India Company ?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by Scrogggy, Jun 13, 2024.


Shall I remove the loops/hoops

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  2. No

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  3. Maybe

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  1. Scrogggy

    Scrogggy Member

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  3. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    My thoughts are that they are replica "coins" on a bracelet, but wait for someone more knowledgeable than me to chime in. Welcome to CT
    Muzyck likes this.
  4. Scrogggy

    Scrogggy Member

    Thanks for your opinion, they look good to me they test as high carat gold using XRF apart from the fact they look brand new what jumps out to you as not quite right? All different dies, seems like a lot of effort for replicas? They are on a Victorian necklace unmarked but test as 18ct that has been specifically made for the coins.
  5. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Agree, my opinion isn't worth much, but have seen many pieces of jewelry with replica coins. I guess I was also influenced by the "East India Company" and these didn't look like any EAC coins I had ever seen. I look forward to seeing what some seasoned Indian coin collectors have to say, and wish you the best of luck. They are pretty.
  6. Scrogggy

    Scrogggy Member

    I really appreciate your Input; thank you. Yes they are really nice looking the Vishnu design on reverse is a little crude but overall quite stunning... my photos don't do them justice; they look much nicer in person and the edges are beautifully milled.
    Kentucky likes this.
  7. Scrogggy

    Scrogggy Member

  8. Scrogggy

    Scrogggy Member

    A known genuine example
    download (1).jpeg

    One of my Coins

    And the 2 overlaid one another
    Kentucky likes this.
  9. Scrogggy

    Scrogggy Member

    Have been authenticated and valued at £800-£1000 per coin if anyone was interested
    Kentucky likes this.
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