Ordering Thread- 2014 Kennedy Silver Set

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by VetStudent, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    I got an email offer for $110 per set, so total of $50 profit for all 5. I will be keeping at that price.
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  3. bearze34

    bearze34 Active Member

    I bought the clad Kennedys along with my silver set and 2014 annual dollar set yesterday and the clad coins were available. Now I see they are out of stock yet the Mint sent me an e-mail saying the clads are available. I just bought them as an afterthought since they are only $9.99. I hope that doesn't hold up my whole order.
  4. slamster17

    slamster17 Junior Member

    Remind me not to buy other stuff with special commems again. For some reason I got 2 tracking numbers 1 for the Kennedy sets and 1 for my annual proof sets.

    Also, after 3 phone calls to the mint yesterday, no one could help me swap the 2013 ATB Silver quarter sets that I accidentally ordered for the 2014s. I was told that the only option would be to cancel and reorder, to refuse shipment and send them back, that they couldn't just swap them, and then finally that they should be able to catch it and switch it to the 2014s and I would see the change on my shipping confirmation. Well looks like they didn't catch it. Guess I'll be making my first return on a mint purchase...so fun.
  5. Chiefbullsit

    Chiefbullsit CRAZY HORSE

    Bought this one from DC today. lesh_50_ag_obv_1.jpg
  6. throwbackid

    throwbackid Well-Known Member

    Its really no big deal to return something to the Mint. They returned my 5 gold Kennedys no problem and that was a $6k order. My point is don't sweat it.
    slamster17 likes this.
  7. Teddydogno1

    Teddydogno1 Well-Known Member

    I had planned to buy one, but now when it comes to it, I look at it and say, "Meh." I have one in my cart, but haven't yet pulled the trigger.

  8. tdogchristy90

    tdogchristy90 Dieu et les Dames

    My box of 5 shipped, one of the first to order and just now got the email. Now for the waiting.
  9. Ethan

    Ethan Collector of Kennedy's

  10. Ethan

    Ethan Collector of Kennedy's

    Order number USM025932XX
    Made purchase at 12:02 ish

    Got an email today - Shipped -

    Scheduled Delivery:
    Friday, 10/31/2014, By End of Day

    I will be keeping mine I think.....
  11. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Shoot, mine's in da mail. Ordered at 4PM yesterday.........now that's the best service I've ever gotten from the US Mint. Lets hope the look of the coins is stellar as well........:)
  12. keemao

    keemao Well-Known Member

    My first order to the house will be here tomorrow, Thurs. and the other order to my PO Box was shipped today but i probably won't get a delivery date until tomorrow sometime. Apparently PO boxes go the FedEx USPS route and take a little longer to process.
    Travlntiques likes this.
  13. SILVER E C-C

    SILVER E C-C Junior Member

    :D We all sound like a bunch of kids :p eagerly awaiting Christmas mourning ;) Oh yea ~ that's me. I'm a waiting :happy: :happy: :happy:
    Ethan and green18 like this.
  14. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Mourning? Let's hope not........
    Travlntiques likes this.
  15. Ethan

    Ethan Collector of Kennedy's

  16. bearze34

    bearze34 Active Member

    Even though this is for 5 sets I almost can't believe that someone would be stupid enough to overpay to that degree. It must be a shill to try and get some action going. He says he will even leave the box sealed so the buyer can send it to a TPG. What a great guy!
  17. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    If money isn't a huge issue, I say get one. $100 really isn't a lot, and the reverse proof coin should be well worth the price of the set, in my opinion. Unique coin... and I don't even collect Kennedys
    treylxapi47 likes this.
  18. bearze34

    bearze34 Active Member

    Somebody has 5 clad sets in the original box for a meager $179.95 plus $19.95 s/h. Some other hack sold a clad set for $35.00. I guess people just cruise E-Bay looking for someone to give their money to.
  19. Ethan

    Ethan Collector of Kennedy's

  20. lucky43113

    lucky43113 Active Member

    ebay use to be good but with the fees its hard to get a deal
  21. johnno92

    johnno92 Member

    Good morning Mr. UPS Driver! Just got my 5 sets at 8:45. I opened one up to take a look. They look pretty nice. I couldn't get a good picture with the cell phone that didn't have the flash reflection; these things are pretty shiny. 1-2014-10-30 08.45.23.jpg 2-2014-10-30 08.45.29.jpg
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