Old money, old people

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Heavymetal, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    IMG_2488.jpeg IMG_2489.jpeg My 87 yo neighbor says this 1795 was found in a chest that her father owned.
    Told her how rare the real thing is and how often faked.
    Your thoughts folks
    -jeffB and Pickin and Grinin like this.
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  3. -monolith-

    -monolith- Supporter! Supporter

    I would rather have old money than old people; nothing against old people I just prefer bright shiny objects.
    Eric Babula likes this.
  4. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Fake, I would imagine.
    dwhiz likes this.
  5. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    The toning looks a bit suspicious. But I am by no means an expert on these.
    Barney McRae likes this.

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    One-look fake to my eyes.
    ToughCOINS likes this.
  7. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Hmm. I say that there is a high chance this is a counterfeit but need to be examined by an expert in my opinion. ;)
  8. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    fake...not even close
    dwhiz likes this.
  9. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    I'm not even sure what denomination it is.:p Way way out of my wheelhouse.
    rte likes this.
  10. Neal

    Neal Well-Known Member

    Better than the fake given to me (we both knew it was fake):
    IMG_2148.JPG IMG_2147.JPG
    Tall Paul likes this.
  11. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    dollar...either way, the reverse is "way way" wrong.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
  12. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    Yeeaaah . . . NOPE.
  13. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Looks like the obverse of a Silver Dollar and the reverse of a half dollar were it’s no denomination at six o’clock on the reverse. Definitely fake.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  14. okbustchaser

    okbustchaser I may be old but I still appreciate a pretty bust Supporter

    Looking again, I was looking at the wrong obverse...this is the off-center Draped Liberty--not the centered version. The reverse actually appears to be proper for this obverse.

    Change my vote to maybe real.
  15. wxcoin

    wxcoin Getting no respect since I was a baby

    I've seen many fake chests in my life.
    SensibleSal66 and Barney McRae like this.
  16. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    I think it's fake. It's a pretty good one though. The denticles aren't quite right and the stars seem a little thin. Does it have a reeded edge?
  17. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member


    MS Details, tooled.
    wxcoin and SensibleSal66 like this.
  18. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Still talking about the coin Barney?
    Barney McRae likes this.
  19. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    It's a rather faithful reproduction of B-14/BB-51. The fine detail is a little blurry, the stars don't point to the denticles correctly, and it looks to have been struck inside a reeded collar.
    -jeffB and Heavymetal like this.
  20. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    Here is a genuine example of this variety.

    1795 Off Center Bust Juice All.jpg
  21. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    Nothing a magnet, scale and calipers won’t solve.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
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