WTS: Odds and ends for sale

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by non_cents, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    Hi folks. :)
    Some odds and ends for sale. Trying to slowly upgrade my collection so I am pruning some of my lower-grade coins. Here are a few listed for sale (updated as needed)

    1817 Large Cent in good, 13 stars variety: SOLD

    1822 Large Cent in good: $22

    Dateless Silver 3 cent piece...fr condition: $5

    1864 2 Cent Coin in VG: SOLD

    1900-O Barber dime in G: $17

    1931-S Lincoln Cent KEY DATE cleaned in VF: $70 OBO.

    Payment made via paypal, please!

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  3. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    2 coins have been sold, I will probably add a few more later on.
  4. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    Added barber dime and silver 3c piece.

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