Featured Numbered Officinae on the Rome Mint Issues of Gallienus

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Roman Collector, Apr 24, 2020.

  1. Ryro

    Ryro Trying to remove supporter status

    So jealous! I'm probably gonna shell up the bucks and get one.
    So, what are all the animals/creatures listed?
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  3. Roman Collector

    Roman Collector Well-Known Member

    You can get an idea from Wolkow's webpage here.
    Ryro likes this.
  4. Ryro

    Ryro Trying to remove supporter status

    This is a blast! Thanks for sharing RC:)
    Roman Collector likes this.
  5. DonnaML

    DonnaML Well-Known Member

    Here are all the animal types listed; I won't bother tying them to their Officina numbers and the deity whose legends they bear -- you can find that information on the associated website, as well as in the Jim Phelps article linked above (http://www.forumancientcoins.com/numiswiki/view.asp?key=Gallienus Zoo).
    Nor will I list the distinctions Wolkow makes between animals standing or walking, or based on the direction they're gazing,

    Centaur walking left holding globe
    Centaur walking right with bow and arrow
    Centaur galloping right, with bow and arrow held up to sky
    Gryphon walking left
    Gryphon walking right
    Gryphon seated left
    Antelope left
    Antelope right
    Doe left, head turned back to right
    Doe right, head turned back to left
    Stag left
    Stag right
    Gazelle left
    Gazelle right
    Lion left
    Boar right
    Goat left
    Goat right
    Panther left
    Panther right, "rampant" (head facing upwards)
    [No mention of tigress, but he does give examples of a striped big cat left, which he identifies as a "lioness"]
    Criocampus [mythical beast with head and forelimbs of ram, and body and rear of fish] swimming right
    Hippocamp [head and forelimbs of horse, body and rear of fish] swimming left
    Hippocamp swimming right
    Capricorn [head and forelimbs of goat, body and rear of fish] swimming right
    Pegasus left, rearing up on hind legs
    Pegasus right, rearing up on hind legs
    Bull standing left
    Bull standing right
    Antelope left [different officina from earlier antelope]
    Antelope right [ " " " ]
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