North Korean Coins?

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by NCnovice, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. NCnovice

    NCnovice Active Member

    Any uptick in value of North Korean coins with everything that's been going on there? Just curious, I have several uncirculated coins from I think 2005. My price guide is from 2006. Probably time I upgraded.
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  3. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    How are you acquiring PRK coins? No, wait, don't tell me.
  4. NCnovice

    NCnovice Active Member

    It back around 2005 or 2006. From ebay. If I remember correctly.
  5. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    So how well do you know Dennis Rodman, then?
  6. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    I don't think you are allowed to sell them on eBay now and the ones you do see are generally just intended for collectors in the West, so I doubt they are worth anything.
  7. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Not surprisingly if they are precious metal coins, the prices have been rising absurdly especially they feature dictators. As of people who want to pay absurd money for them - it's their choice. I do have base metal coins that I collected during my younger times.
  8. NCnovice

    NCnovice Active Member

  9. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    If they are base metals, probably not. There are plentiful of them out in the market.
    NCnovice likes this.
  10. Ruslatin

    Ruslatin Member

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