Nice Die Shattered Error? Worth anything?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by STP H8N, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. STP H8N

    STP H8N New Member

    Just going though my sack of wheats and came across this. I know it's pretty banged up, but still thought was worth posting, since never saw one like this. Pretty new to the coin scene maybe this is common. Just want your expertise on this one. SD card was being funny on scope. Will try to get better pic by end of week. IMG_20210306_221802.jpg
    rosethe, 1stSgt22 and Kentucky like this.
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  3. Danomite

    Danomite What do you say uh-huh

  4. potty dollar 1878

    potty dollar 1878 Well-Known Member

    Very nice lamination good find.
    1stSgt22 likes this.
  5. David Betts

    David Betts Elle Mae Clampett cruising with Dad

    Nice de lam
    1stSgt22 likes this.
  6. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    I don’t know how that one even hung together! Awesome!
    1stSgt22 likes this.
  7. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    That's not a Die Error. It's a Planchet Error.
    Lamination as stated by the other members.
    Could also be a slightly Cracked Planchet.
    Please show the Reverse side.

    Worth? $15.00 - $20.00
    Or whatever a collector is willing to pay for it.
  8. STP H8N

    STP H8N New Member

    Danomite likes this.
  9. STP H8N

    STP H8N New Member

    Thanks for the estimated value. Added back side. PICT0019.jpg
  10. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    It is the penultimate planchet "Woody" in that woodies are bad mixtures of the component metals of copper and tin. This planchet was so damned bad it laminated and flaked off giving it a more 3 dimensional aspect over the normal woody. Usually the Philly mint preferred to send these lousy planchets off to the minion mints in Denver and San Francisco.
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